Friday, May 1, 2009

Three Words

(per sentence)
I'm so excited.
It's finally out.
Stitch's Spring issue (not really a sentence, more like a phrase, but work with me here)

That's my pillow.


Amanda Elizabeth said...

I'm going searching for this today! I can't wait to see your pillow!!! soo exciting!!! congrats!!!!

BoogaJ said...

Congratulations! It's gorgeous!

Kathy York said...

And it looks GOOD there, both on the cover and on the chair!

the 6 o'clock stitch said...

Oh, congratulations! How very exciting!

Suzanne said...

Absolutely beautiful. Love the colors and the design. I've come upon your blog only recently and LOVE it! Your creations are wonderful!

pigbook1 said...


Andi said...

Mazal Tov cover girl!!!

ArtShades said...

Talk about taking centre stage! It looks gorgeous sat there. Well done.

chermonblie said...

Hooray! It looks great!!

Candied Fabrics said...

WooHoo! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

It looks great there Malka! Congratulations on another successful magazine showing!!!

mathea said...

And it's the best cover they've had so far! Congratulations!

Rossie said...

Awesome. You're a cover girl!

Susan said...

Congratulations, Malka. Really cool.

Lisa said...

Congratulations! It's so cheerful!

Tara said...

Congrats! I'll be looking for it!

Kristin L said...

We're so excited!

Stefanie said...

Way to go! Just saw your studio in Cloth Paper Scissors.

Funky Kim said...


Sarah Fielke said...

Oh my goodness Malka that is beautiful. What a covergirl you are!

Terriaw said...

Your patchwork pillow looks gorgeous - especially on the cover! Congrats! I can't wait to get my copy now.

Malissa said...

I saw a picture of that earlier and I thought, "That looks like it might be Malka's."

Awesome. Congrats!

melissa s. said...

congrats! it's beautiful!

rebecca said...

it is a beautiful pillow! just found your blog and love your work.

Penny said...

What a thrill for you! Well done.

ilovebabyquilts said...

I recognize it as yours! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Fulvia said...


elena said...

Wow congratulations!!!!!
I love that magazine but is so expensive for Barcelona

Shelina said...

Congratulations on being published - and being on the cover!

Karen said...

Congrats on being a Cover Girl...of sorts;) Wonderful pillow;)

Lisa said...

CONGRATS! Wow -- what an honor, and you totally deserve it! You should go celebrate, yes you should.

Victoria said...

Wow! Congratulations, that is very exciting!

Janet said...

What an honor. That's fantastic.

Sharon said...

Congratulations! I'll be looking for a copy. :)

Cindra said...

It's a gorgeous pillow... I love it!

Sarah said...

Wow you have been on the covers of QA AND Stitch! That pretty much makes you immortal ;)

Carmen Rose said...

Bravo, Bravo! It's a piece worthy of the cover, it's stunning!

Chveya said...

Beautiful pillow! A fellow blogger and Etsyian also did a Three Words post and I thought I'd share it with you! =)

Lauren The Artist said...

Congratulations!!! Its beautiful.

Tamar said...

Hi Malka, I've been away from the blogging world for a little bit (PhD stuff) but here I am, catching up, and what do I see? A huge congratulations! I am going to seek out this issue this week. I am so happy to see your amazing dyeing and quilting get a place in the limelight.

Anonymous said...

Wow....spectacular pillow! (3)...Congrats on getting the cover. Love your work! Thank you for sharing.


Lauri said...

Yea!!! Congratulations once again! I saw you in another magazine I just bought last article you wrote. But I haven't seen this magazine out there yet...hopefully soon!

Jette K said...

And it's lovely! :-)
