Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Progress Report

After whining about how I shouldn't post about work in progress, I've decided to do it anyway. Maybe because I'm pretty happy about the way these pieces are going, I feel OK about discussing these images. Also, I want to use this blog as a journal so I should be comfortable putting up work that's not finished or completely worked out.
This isn't even the most recent stage, but I had the picture, so I thought I'd go ahead and put it up. The more I work on this quilt, the bigger I think I want the final piece to be. In fact I'm thinking of making it full/queen size so that we can actually use it. This, of course, is my constant problem. The conflict between things I want to make for myself/family/friends and the fact that I know I have to focus on making pieces for shows, etc.
Here's where it's at today. The background fabric was originally made by dyeing pima cotton lemon/lime, patterning with wax to create the stripes and then overdyeing in chartreuse. As I worked on the quilt, I realized that I didn't have any more lemon/lime to dye more fabric. I dyed lemon yellow instead and then overdyed it in chartreuse. This background fabric is a little warmer than the previous fabric. To deal with this difference, I ripped a few seams and dispersed the old and new background fabric. That way there''s a balance between the two fabrics.

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