Wednesday, October 31, 2007


It all began with that shirt. I dyed this tiny garment more than ten years ago for my as yet unborn littlest one. And she wore it home from the hospital. I really wanted her first clothes to be something I had a hand in making. For a while after that I dyed a fair amount of children's clothes, both for my own kids and to sell.

That was actually the beginning of my little business. I used many of the same techniques and certainly the same dyes to color and pattern these clothes as I did fabric for my quilts.

At the time making these clothes seemed so right. I had three little children and I wanted them to wear clothes that I had made special for them. It seemed to make sense to make a little more for fun and a little profit.
I don't have such little children anymore. In fact, my eldest, my Halloween baby, turned 16 today. But I've been thinking about these clothes lately and baby items in general.

I've decide to try my hand at these again. This time pairing them up with hand dyed flannel blankets that are bound with my batiked fabric.

I'm going to be adding these four items( I've made two sets) and some others to my shop tomorrow.

I have plans to make these baby items in colors appropriate to both genders.

These have been dyed into one color and are awaiting a second dip. Maybe in a blue?


  1. Your baby clothes are fantastic! They won't be hanging around your shop for very long.

    Happy Halloween!


  2. Sarah,
    Thanks for your kind words and for visiting me here. It's always nice to hear from you.

  3. They are gorgeous. The colors really are stunning and unique.

  4. Wow, fantastic! We dye baby clothes (for our kids only) too, our oldest is 3 and can participate now. It's a fun summer project and it's so nice to be able to choose your own colors for baby clothes, right? How'd you do the great stripes on the pants, if you don't mind my asking? Do you use pole-wrapping?

    thanks, Erika
