Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The sewing for the Renegade Craft Fair has started in earnest and I've even added a set on my flickr page to preview some of the items that I'll have available. I've created a ridiculously over ambitious schedule for crafting items for the fair, but that's pretty much standard operating procedure for me. No need to be realistic about my time or my need to sleep more than two hours a night or how cranky I get if I don't swim. My only saving grace is that I'm aware of how delusional I can be.

I'm actually really excited about the whole process. I work well with deadlines as long as they're not too far in the future.

My plan right now is to focus on making pillow covers, fabric, coasters, and maybe a few totes. I've also thought about making some camera straps like the one I made for my Pentax. I think I could just purchase the parts that would allow the strap to hook on to the camera. I've gotten a positive response to the strap I made and am contemplating making a second one for my digital camera. I'd love some feedback on that. Also, if anyone has been to Renegade in the past and would like to share their impressions of the fair, I'd really appreciate hearing that as well.


  1. Wow. These are all beautiful. Interesting photos.

    Please visit my blog

  2. Good luck getting it all done! That pillow is beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing all the things you make.

  3. guess you can plan as much as you want but in the end you do what you can do. it got up to 60 today, it was great! spent day outside watching and listening to the birds, really need to sew and dye some fabric but it was too nice to be inside...first day this nice since october....

  4. are you doing renegade ny? i hope so! i'll be there as a vendor too - you can PM me on etsy if you want the straight poop on what the fair is like (HOT! REALLY HOT!)

    also, i need to leave you feedback on etsy but i am waiting to take a pic of your pillow on my sofa to put in the appreciation thingie. its lovely!!! lovely!!!

  5. love the zig-zag pillow cover! i've been eyeing that pattern in denyse schmidt's book and finally started a zig-zag bag yesterday. i hope it turns out....

    your work is so inspiring.
