Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Busier than... ant at a fourth of July picnic. So, I'm just dropping in here for a minute to share a few pictures from the book signing last Sunday.
For those of you who aren't familiar with Book Woman, it's been around Austin for quite a few years. It's also, as far as I know, the only independent feminist bookstore in town. I think it's a terrific store and I was so excited to have my first event there. Even my folks drove in from Houston.

See that bald head there? That's my dad. And do you see what section of the store he's facing toward?

Yep. My mid-seventies dad is staring right at the "women's erotica" section. It made for some interesting questions after the book signing.
I think that despite his bewilderment at exactly what kind of titles constitute women's erotica, he and my mom seemed to enjoy themselves.

I had, for one, had a blast.

Hey, but the celebration's not over. I do have another book event scheduled in early December, but, even as I speak, Erin from House on Hill Road, is showing off a terrific project she made with some of my hand dyes and hosting a book giveaway.Why not head on over there and share in the fun?


  1. Isn't it funny how all little Jewish men look the same from the back?
    Looks just like my dad (but with darker hair).
    My dad would be looking at the women's erotica too.
    Glad it was a good event.
    Andi :-)

  2. I just bought your book the other day and am so excited about it! Congratulations on your event at BookWoman!

  3. This is really cool, Malka. Congratulations! I can't wait to see what the future holds for you!
