I've been patronizing Leslie's for several years because I need soda ash, essential for dyeing fabric. Soda ash is available from online dye suppliers, but it's more expensive and you have to pay shipping. Considering that I buy the stuff in 25 pound buckets, it's worth my while to buy from Leslie's. So, I've been going in there every couple months. I never told the folks who work there why I was buying soda ash. A part of me wanted them to think that I had an amazing pool that I was devoted to maintaining.
I sent my husband the last time because I finally came to the conclusion that I should invest in the 50 pound bucket and cut down on how many trips I was making to Leslie's and I figured he could haul that home easier than me. As my husband tells it, the guy behind the counter asked if he was buying such a large bucket of soda ash because he was having trouble balancing the chemicals in his pool. My husband answered that he didn't have a pool, but that his wife needed the soda ash to dye fabric. The Leslie's guy then asked, "Did she write a book about this recently?" My very surprised husband answered yes. The employee then added that there had been several people in lately to buy soda ash and when he asked what they were going to do with it, they replied that they had recently bought a book about dyeing fabric and that soda ash was necessary to the process. In my book I do write that local pool supply stores are great resources for soda ash.
Now, how cool is that?

My only regret is that my ruse about having a spectacular backyard pool is over and I have to rejoin the non-pool owning population.
What a great story, i really am laughing out loud!
Maybe it's time to consider putting in a pool . . . then you could really confuse the guy at Leslie's?
That is too funny!
If you'd like I'll still think of you as having an awesome pool with a waterfall, spa and a pool boy.
That is such a great story! How encouraging, too, for you and the pool guy! ;)
That's so funny...and a funny story is just what I needed this morning, so thank you! You should definitely be getting commission on all the new customers the store is receiving!
Lol, what a great story! We all aspire to be posher than we actually are, but you have achieved it without having an awesome pool.....you are a well known book writer!
*hugs* Heather x
OMG, that's hilarious! Leslie's should give you a discount since you're sending them so many new customers!
LOL, too funny. I just found your blog a few days ago & ordered your book last night, I can't wait to receive it :)
Funny! You just gave them a whole new marketing gimmick!
You may not have a spectacular backyard pool, but that fabric looks pretty spectacular!
had to LOL. love your current fabric.
LOL You've been exposed!
That's awesome! I'd be the same way, trying to keep it a secret. But, now the pool store guys think you're even COOLER - you dye your own fabric!!
Thank goodness, your hubby didn't play a trick on you and tell the guy you drink it!!! But, the Leslie's guy may not connect you to being the book lady. So dream on. What a wonderful story.
Oh, and if they find out you are the book lady, don't settle for a commission, go for FREE! lol
you´ve got wonderful fabrics. I love them !
Greetings from Germany, bavaria
Who knew? I stumbled across your blog this morning and am already planning my own trip to Leslie's - but where can I get salt in bulk?
Your work is absolutely stunning - and I've already got your book on my wishlist.
Hi Sara Jane,
You can buy salt in bulk at Costco or Sam's Club. While you're there, get some for me because I'm not a member and I still buy salt in individual containers at the grocery store. I usually buy all they have on the shelf everytime I go.
Duh! Thanks Malka!... Right in front of my face! So, how much salt do you want from Costco?
wow...great story ! and funny too..
greetings :)
awesome story! i think the pool store should start carrying your book - how good are you for his business? as always your fabric is AMAZING!
I just got your book and love it! I did ask my friend (who owns a pool company) to get me a large bucket of soda ash. He knows I am always into some project, he did not even ask why I needed it! LOL
see? you're making an impact in your community! I love that that many people are rushing out to make the projects from your book :)
You are a local celebrity! So cool. I live in Dallas, and I think we have that store here, too. I'll have to check it out.
In my world we call that "leveraged economic activity."
that's awesome. lemme guess...he went to the Leslie's on Burnet close to your house. I used to frequent that place when I was the pool manager at GHCC. The week the damn pool turned green I was in there everyday...soda ash also helps bring up the pH of a pool really high, thus turning it from an acid to a base and helping the water turn blue again. at least that's how i remember it :-)
Too funny! Is there any place that you describe how you get that circle with the dots in it...the photo on this post? I can't figure out how you do that...it is beautiful!
I always love your gorgeous and unusual fabric! this one delights, once again.
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