If you've purchased or perused the latest issue of Stitch, available on newsstands now, then you might have noticed that I have a project in the Spring 2010 issue.

But that's not my big secret.
This is:

I've got a second book coming out in December. This time I'm working with Interweave Press and I couldn't be more excited about the book and the projects, one of which is excerpted in Stitch.

The book has actually been available for pre-order at Amazon for a little while, but I knew that it was going to be excerpted in the Spring Stitch, so I decided to wait until then to let you all know my big news.
Folks, I can't wait for you to see this book. It features over 20 projects ranging from quilts(surprise!), several of which are lap size or larger, to bags, pillows, scarves, even a baby book that can double as a crib bumper or nursery decoration. I didn't include the kitchen sink, but there's a kitchen curtain pattern in there. All of the items were made primarily with commercial fabrics, though I couldn't help but throw in a few hand dyes, so they're very reproducible. Also, there's an extensive and thorough techniques section, an element that was aided by the fact that my wonderful editor is also an accomplished sewer and could give feedback based on her experience.
I'm so thrilled with the book that it has been an amazing struggle for me to keep quiet about it. Couple that with the fact that I'm not good at keeping secrets anyway and you have a recipe for a bit of frustration. Now I can breathe easy knowing that my secret is out.
Thats great news! I loved your first book and now can't wait for the new one. I also now have to run out and pick up stitch, your table runner is so beautiful.
Congratulations -- I can't wait to see it!
Excellent! I still need to get my hands on a copy.
oh, wow! congratulations! :)
the book looks absolutely fantastic! already added it to my wishlist. ;)
do you have an estimate for the release date?
You go girl :-)Congratulations!
I just love your fabric/sewing/crafting/color universe :-)
What exciting relief! I can't wait to see and hear more about it. Congratulations.
Great news, congratulations and I've got to go get a copy.
Wow that's fantastic, you must be so excited. Congratulations!
yeah! i'm excited for you. can't wait to get it.
Wow, Malka ! ! !
I've been waiting for our local B&N to get the newest Stitch on it shelf.
Now I can hardly wait to see your articles.
Congrats ! ! ! !
Congratulations! I knew when I saw that "Quiet Quilts" article that you were seriously on to something fresh and new.
Yowzah! I love that table runner!
You go girl!
That IS exciting news! Looking forward to seeing the new book!
must have one:-)
how exciting, congratulations, can't wait to see it!
Cate, x
I will definitely buy this issue of Stitch, and I look forward to the book! Congratulations!
How fun! Added to my wish list. Congrats!
Hi, I went to Amazon and read the comments on your first? (previous)book. Someone wrote: to be very careful of your recommendation to use vinegar in the bleach setting process. Can you comment on this and corrected this information if necessary?
I didn't see your reply to this comment on Amazon, it seems to be a very important point, and necessitates a comment either way, imo.
I see I need to order a copy of Stitch - that runner is just lovely! And another book too? How great - I've put it on my wish list!
I did comment in response to that individual's concerns regarding bleach and vinegar. It should be there along with his/her initial review.
The crux of what I said is that in my book I detail the process I use for discharging(bleaching) fabric. I've been using this process without any problems for well over 15 years. The technique I use heavily dilutes both the bleach and vinegar in separate water baths. I have never had any problems. I do add in my book that there are those who don't like this method and then state that there are products available via dye suppliers whereby you can discharge using a different method. Those products have their pros and cons as well. I described the method that I use and have used for years. If someone would like to experiment with dyeing and patterning fabric using a different technique, I think that's dandy. I wrote about my process.
Congratulations! I just bought your first book and am in love. I use to dye cloth years ago and cannot wait to get back into it thanks to you inspiration!
I made my husband pick up this issue of Stitch on his way home from work today (he got home and said "did you know this magazine costs $16?!?" and I went, yep, grabbed it and ran away.) I also am super excited because I finally ordered your book as a birthday gift to me, and can't wait until your next book is out!
Does your new book talk about Quiet Quilting? I was so inspired by your QQ article that I have been working on a quiet piece, though I found that I couldn't make white work for me so I'm using very pale creams and taupes.
I did find that adorable green & white Japanese lion fabric you used at a show vendor's table. Boy was I excited. I thought it was CLOCK FACES until I looked at it close up, because of the way you had cut the faces out! Didn't realize they were lions!
Never a dull moment here in quilting land.
Congrats, Malka! The cat is out of the bag. Looking forward to seeing the book in person and wish I could get my hands on Stitch over here in Germany. Also wanted to say I love Joey Pigza, too.
Julie- My new book has a couple pieces that use the concept of "low volume" fabrics, but I didn't write about it at any length.
You are such an inspiration! Your work is fabulous! Isa said it best!
wow! what great news...can't wait to see all the projects!
I saw that table runner while flipping through Stitch magazine at the bookstore and I had to buy it. I love the colors on that table runner, it is gorgeous. Congratulations on the next book, can't wait to see it.
BTW I love your table runner and sent the link to a friend who sometimes does what I think of as "Miami modern" quilting (she used to live there). It would work in many settings, not just where superbright colors are a given.
Just found your blog and LOVE it! Congrats on the book!
I picked up Stitch, what a wonderful magazine of inspiration. I wanted to make about 12 projects, and I love your table runner...now I have something to do with all of the solids I have collected. What a talent you are, love the blog.
Hi Malka,
I have just put your book on order with Amazon. Do I really have to wait until December for it to come out? I can't imagine how much time it must have taken you to write it and put it all together. Congratulations.
how wierd! I just bought that Stitch this past Sunday - specifically for that unbelievably cool table runner!!! and here - i've stumbled upon YOU. so cool this runner is and that you are publishing another book. well you've found another number one fan! i'm starting my table runner this week. just bought a bunch of cool bright fabrics and am ready to go! so nice to find you.
Congratulations! Fabulous!
The timing is perfect for me since I want to start quilting and I don’t have the slightest idea how!!!!
I am going to get my copy!
i'm really excited about your book, malka. congrats!
Great news! Congratulations. So happy for you..
By the way, I found your blog from Blogging For Bliss book.
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