might just be this:

It's been a rough week here. Nothing life threatening, sort of...well actually. The week began with my eldest talking about how the foot that she thought she sprained was still hurting quite a bit and maybe the time had come to consult a bona fide health professional as opposed to just waiting for it to go away. That's standard operating procedure around here. Turns out the sprain is actually a break, but luckily not a severe one. You haven't experienced relief until you've watched the face of an 18-year old girl as she's told that she's not going to need an orthopedic boot.
Then my husband was involved in a head on bicycle accident. Thankfully, he was wearing a helmet. You should always wear a helmet! So, all that was broken was his left thumb. Good news, except he has to have surgery to fix the thumb. Still it could have been worse.
I learned about our third little bit of news when I came home from swim team yesterday morning. I was greeted with,"Mom you need to call Sarah because she's been in an accident." My panic was limited to a few short seconds because I reached her on the phone and learned that both she and her friend were not hurt. My poor girl had been driving home, approaching an intersection with a green light, when she heard a fire truck siren. She realized the fire truck was entering the intersection as well, so she slammed on her brakes to avoid running into the fire truck. Good reaction. Unfortunately, the suburban behind her didn't hear the siren and didn't react quickly enough. Thus, I have one incredibly smushed car. I'll find out later today whether it's mashed beyond repair.
First off, I'm so grateful that all we have to deal with is a thumb that is temporarily bent in the wrong direction and a Honda Civic sans a recognizable trunk. Things could have been tragic, but they're not. They're mostly irritating. So, my solution to irritation is to do something that makes me happy--like sew something new to wear.
Even better is that I made something I've been wanting to make for a long time. I've sewn skirts before, but I have been wanting to sew a mock patchwork skirt for a long time. My inspiration came from this amazing patchwork dress I saw someone wearing on the street several years ago. I was in my car and she was walking along the sidewalk and I nearly had my own version of Sarah's accident because I was so distracted by her patchwork frock. I have toyed with the idea of actually sewing patchwork with the intent of crafting it into a garment, but that seemed like so much work for not enough reward. Enter my lovely sponsor Jennifer and her fabulous online fabric store, Runner Girl Fabric. She has several patchwork fabrics and even a convenient tab to denote them.
I gathered up a yard of this fabric and drafted myself a super simple pattern based on my measurements.

I used a casing for my skirt and, rather than elastic, I created a buttonhole and ran a drawstring through it. Because I didn't add a lot of ease to my skirt, it's not heavily gathered and fits closely.
My cherry on top is the ric-rac along the hem.

Now, I ask you, is there any better way to say, " I'm ready for summer," than a mock patchwork skirt edged in ric-rac? I think not. Would you like to make a mock patchwork skirt and edge it, or not, in ric-rac? Then, I have a deal for you because Jennifer is giving away a yard of this lovely Kokka cotton to one lucky winner. Add to that I'll email the giveaway winner a PDF tutorial on how to draft a pattern and make the skirt. I'll post the tutorial here next week as well, but the winner gets first dibs.
To enter the contest all you have to do is leave a comment at the end of this post.
I'll take comments through Monday, May 31, 8:00pm CST.
Good luck. Have a great weekend. And hug somebody you love because you're so lucky to have them.
The skirt is very cute, but I really want to know about the sweater! Could you tell me what pattern that is?
oh geez, what a week. Im glad to hear everything is ok...in the long run. and speaking of running, i just recently found runner girl fabrics and place my first order with them! yipee! loved everything about their shop! love everything about your skirt too...love the rick rack added. too good! thanks for a chance, and have a safe memorial day weekend!
Malka --
That picture of the car leading off kind of made me faint (I'd just been discussing teaching Jacob to drive with a friend!). I'm glad to hear only the car suffered injuries. Big hugs to everyone all around.
-- Susan
You sure have a great attitude after what I would call a pretty lousy week! I probably would have been so distracted I'd have sewn my finger! Love the fabric!
Wow! That is so wonderful that all of you are (mostly) okay! That is such a bummer to have so many things happen in one week. That is so lovely of you to host such a fabulous giveaway!
(And I LOVE your banner which I don't usually see in google reader! :)
I was a bit worried when I saw the car, followed by only the middle bit of your body, I need to learn to read the text as well as the pictures. I hope you have had your share of bad luck now. As for that fabric, isn't it gorgeous, I'd love to have a skirt made in that....
I love your skirt! I saw it on Flickr and clicked on over to your blog. Great job!
Love the skirt, love the fabric, and can't wait to read the pattern. Thanks for keeping such a nice blog and I am sincerely happy your family made it through this week pretty much in one piece. :-)
Well things usually happen in threes so I hope you're good now! Thanks goodness everyone is relatively OK. That skirt is adorable!!!!
Ooh, I love this skirt! What a great idea.
Wow, you are indeed allowed to be cranky after that week. Yeah, they may not be major, life threatening things, but it is a week like that that can beat you down. Glad to hear that you found some solace in something pretty.
Take it easy this weekend, eh?
Great skirt! That week was rough! I hope the next week is a significant improvement
Love the fabric colors! What a week you have had-hope you can have a relaxing weekend!
That's quite a week you had, but the picture of the car is really scary right at the beginning of the post. I'm glad that no one was hurt in the accident. Now back to happy summer thoughts.. that skirt is adorable!! It indeed screams summer's here like nothing else!
Goodness ... what a week! Glad you and your family is okay! I love the skirt and the fabric too! Have a safe weekend!
I'm sorry to hear about your recent trials and am glad everyone is O.K. I agree, using your creativity is a great solution and sharing your genius is awesome! I'd love to win this fun fabric and pattern - it would be a fun way to start off summer with a smile!
Cute skirt - and glad to hear you're all making it out ok!
Oh, my! You are so generous to be thinking of us during these times. (Rest assured we are thinking of you, too. I'm so glad foots and thumbs can heal, and that bikes and cars can be replaced/repaired.)
The skirt is adorable, and I love the ricrac & faux patchwork, but I'm also giddy about your sweater! Is it Ravelry's Sprout? Something of your design? Something else? Whatever it is, it is so cute!
I love that you chose not to let all those events ruin your day. Way to go! It's difficult, I know. :) And what a cute skirt you got out of it!
Congratulations on surviving the week! You deserve a new skirt after that. :)
wow! it sounds like my life. two summers ago my husband was hit on his bike by another cyclist and had a mild concussion and a ruptured eardrum. Six months later I got rear-ended in my newish grey Honda when I stopped for an emergency vehicle. (I had whiplash.) I'm glad no one was seriously hurt. I think sewing is a good idea to get your mind off all the stress. thanks for the chance to win.
what a perfect skirt!
Glad to hear everyone is OK. I have been doing my own version of the "glass half full" dance around here! The skirt looks great!
I love weeks like that. Just love them. Every week should end this way: that whatever happened, happened - and everybody is still walking.
I don't believe in summer.
Oh dear! These things do remind us to be grateful, no? I like your instinct to go sew! The skirt is lovely. Hope your loved ones heal quickly, good luck with the car.
It's a good thing these things come in 3's.
You're all done!!
I think the skirt is a perfect solution to your current stresses.
Very crafty and summery.
Oh my goodness...what a week! (And I think the photo of your car made my heart skip a beat. Scary!) So glad to hear that everyone is (mostly) okay!
The skirt you made is super-cute though - and the fabric very fun. I love, love, love the ric-rac trim!
Sounds like a pretty crappy week... but a great skirt! :) Just wanted to let you know I was scrolling through some blogs and saw your skirt - and decided to make a skirt myself! Wow was that satisfying! :) Check out my blog - I'll be posting pics of mine tonight!
WOw, what a lot of excitement in your house! Glad no one was hurt badly. I love that cute skirt!! I will be patiently waiting for your tutorial :)
glad everyone's ok. poor car u_u hope it can be repaired.
the skirt is so cute :D i love the patchwork fabric
Your skirt makes me ENDLESSLY happy! My brother had a blanky made from a patchwork print in very similar colors, with a rick-rack edge just the same color as yours. That last photo there was like looking into a time machine!
It's been a SERIOUS rotter of a week around here, too. But sewing can take us through just about anything, right?? :o)
Glad everyone is safe and sound. Shabbat Shalom.
Malka - Best to you and your family ~ *so* glad everyone is safe. Thank goodness for helmets and seat belts and the good sense to use them. Be well.
So glad that everything turned out okay. I agree, sometimes the only way to process these 'bad-luck' events is by doing something crafty. I love your skirt and look eagerly forwards towards a tute or pattern.
I love the skirt and the rickrack! Sounds like a tough week, and I admire your positive attitude :) through all of it.
You have had a difficult week. Thank goodness your family isn't seriously injured. The skirt is so cute and sounds something easy enough to make. I have a lot of ric-rac and drawstrings to use. Thanks for the giveaway. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com
That fabric is just lovely!
I am sorry you had so many scares in one week. Here's hoping that things settle down for the summer.
Phew! You had quite a week! So glad everyone is okay! Love your outfit and that sweet fabric! Here's hoping your summer settles down for awhile!
Glad that all are well. Love, love the skirt and especially the little pear patches. I'm off to check out the other pics of yours on flickr as that is where I usually follow your beautiful creations.
Love the skirt, and the rickrack just finishes it off! Very 70'sish! Not that I would know or anything like that!
Hope you've had all your bad luck for a while. I'd love to have the pattern for that cute sweater. Did you make it?
Wow, that really is some week. Next week *has* to be better, right? Glad to hear that everyone is more-or-less ok; hope you get good news about your car.
I always love seeing your creations on Flickr, and this skirt reminds me of a halter I made myself when I was about 13. Hm..I wonder if I still have any of that fabric stashed somewhere? Certainly not enough for a skirt, but I wonder..
That is a lot of stress all round in one week for one family! Your positive thinking does you credit.
Oh so much going on...first off glad to hear your daughter is ok...she reacted well...much better to get rear-ended then to find out what happens when fire truck hits honda..scary! Does the fire dept have any responsibility in this..seems crazy that you should be left with the hassle and the bill when they ran the red light!
(getting off the soap box :o)
Love the skirt..the fabric you used is perfect..and light too...I think if you had pieced the skirt yourself it would have been quite heavy.
Hope you have a good weekend!
I'm glad everyone is ok, if not in perfect condition. Helmets save lives!
And I would love to be entered in the getaway. I have been dying to make my own skirts for awhile now and simply haven't gotten off my arse to do it. This would be a perfect excuse!
Can't wait for the pattern. I'll need it after I give birth and none of my clothes fit anymore!
ooooh! I'm commenting, i'm commenting!
I really want to win but in case I dont, I am heading to check her fabric out now...
Glad to hear nothing was too serious. Hope everything goes well with his thumb surgery.
Wow, what a week you've had...I'm glad everyone is okay! What a cute skirt you made. I'd love to make one, too!
As always you are in touch with my own sewing needs and wants! Love the patchwork material and after I write this will be mosying on over to see the selection of fabrics myself. I've been wanting a longer version of a patchwork skirt myself for work and am even considering a one-piece gown-like piece. Donna
you've definitely had some week! Things seem to come in threes so I think things should be going better for you.
Interesting fabric and a cute skirt!
Oh my, what a week! So glad things are not worse - I think your solution for dealing with it is a perfect one :-)
I would love to win a yard of that fabulous fabric!
Have a great weekend!
So, so glad everyone is okay!
Well I am very glad to hear everyone is well! What a great "reminder", also known as a skirt ,to remind you of what to be thankful for!
So glad everyone is safe! What a scary week.
I am glad everyone is ok. Sheesh!
Goodness! Glad everyone is okay. I love your skirt & the fabric is gorgeous.
What a week! I love the skirt, and I'd love to make one for myself!
glad no one was seriously hurt! and hoping your car can be repaired too.
Glad I found your blog! I have recently found a desire for making my own fabric with all the new dyeing techniques!
Your skirt is super cute! I love the patchwork!!
Glad everyone is mostly okay...what a crazy week!
I love the skirt! Glad to hear everyone is well after their accidents. I can't wait to see the tutorial....I'm not a great garment maker but want to try it. Going to check out the fabric store now.
what a week. they say bad things happen in threes, I hoe it's true for you. cute skirt by the way
Great way to make a "bad time" better and be positive with your time. It's a great skirt and it looks very "happy". Love to win the fabric and PDF. Here's to an uneventful and lovely Memorial Weekend.
Sorry, about what has been happening, I know everything will better. I love your blog. Love the skirt. The sweater is gorgeous also.
take care
That's quite a story. Glad everything turned out OK. Love the patchwork fabric.
I'm sorry there's been so much drama - but I'm so glad everyone is okay! The skirt is a fabulous pick-me-up - I love it!
when i saw the pictures i didn't understand the "therapy theory" that lay underneath it all, but then i read the post and i was like:
- what? oh my god! broken? oh no ortopedic boot, ok. what? surgery in the thumb? wow. what more? what? an accident? phewwww that was close...
the skirt is amazing and so is the print. but i'm not so sure about the ric-rac myself, i think it tinkles :)
and just to imagine a patchwork dress... i'm sure i would have had a car accident if it had been me hehehe
Sorry to hear about your week...i could use a little antidote myself and i think your skirt pattern is perfect.
I love the fabric and the pattern, I'd love to have it as a giveaway to make a skirt for my mum who's not well. Unfortuantely as I live in the UK postage would be too much. Nevermind, I look forard to the tutorial and I'm sure I can find some fabric locally to make a skirt for my mum - it's just given me such a good idea I can't wait to go and look at fabric (any excuse!)
I'm so sorry about all the accidents. As for the fire engine, the same thing happened to me three weeks ago with an ambulance in the road and a huge Jeep ran into me.
I love ric rac - what a great way to use it on this skirt!!
I love that fabric!You're right the ric rac trim is genius! Sorry to hear about your catalogue of disasters. I found your blog via Sewtakeahike.
So happy all is ok. You have a great attitude. Several of my sons have been hit several times here in Austin. Crazy.
Love the skirt! Makes me smile :p
I'm so thankful that everyone is okay....
My husband commutes by bicycle and I'm waiting for the day he gets hit.
i hope your daughter and her friend went to their drs after the car accident (and if not i hope they still do). We were rear ended and because we walked away we didnt realize we had injuries until the morning. We were able to get appropriate treatments because we went to the dr the next day.
Nice skirt
What an awful week, I'm glad to hear there were not serious injuries.
I love the idea of the patchwork fabric, very cool!
The biking accident scared me the most. I am a bike rider. Was he wearing his Road I.D.? Sounds like your family has had its three bad things so things will start to swing to the better!
You are on the Front Page of Etsy!! Whoo hoo for you! Tuesday 3:21 your time. Happy sales!!
So fun. Thanks!
Glad everyone is ok and what an adorable skirt! Must make one!
Cute skirt...and sweater!
Sorry about all your troubles, fortunately all will be better in time!
i'm glad everyone is ok! what a bunch of close calls. your skirt is super duper cute. i have made patchwork and then made it into a dress...for my little daughter. i couldn't do it for myself. no way.
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