Monday, September 13, 2010

Super Quick

Just popping in to announce the winner of the tickets to this weekend's Austin Area Quilt Guild Show.
Our winner is Skye. She commented:

I would LOVE to go as your esteemed guest!! I am looking forward to seeing your beautiful work in person.

Skye, I would love for you to come as my guest too, so please email me ( your first and last name before Thursday the 16th and your tickets will be waiting for you at Will Call.

Thanks to everyone else who played along and I'll be back tomorrow with a preview of something kind of new, but oh-so special that I'll be offering at this weekend's show.


  1. I am super excited!!! :-)
    And my 1st e-mail got kicked back, but just as a back-up to the 2nd one I will see you Sunday!!
    Skye Daniels!!!

  2. Congratulatrions to lucky Skye!!! Have a wonderful time!!
    Malka- I loved your submissions to Quilting Arts Gifts this year!!! Great ideas and great designs!!!
