Monday, November 22, 2010

In the Interest of Brevity: OMG

Years ago, before I ever thought about dyeing fabric or making quilts, back when I was still in art school, I knew about American Craft Magazine. Periodically, I would go to the bookstore to peruse the magazines I couldn't afford to buy and along with Art in America and Art News, I would read the latest craft news via American Craft.
Fast forward twenty some years and I get an email from a local writer, Shelley Seale, telling me that she has been commissioned by American Craft to write a story about me. Me?!!
And then, like icing on the cake, American Craft sends an amazing photographer, Michael O'Brien, to photograph me and my studio. Do you think I might be jumping up and down like a contestant on The Price is Right?
I've had to keep this under wraps for a couple months, but I got my copy last week and I'm ready to shout it from the rooftops. I am so thrilled to be included in the Dec/Jan issue of American Craft!


Samantha Page said...

well, it's because you and your craft rock.

Amy said...

Congratulations! The photo of you with the quilt is great!

Victoria said...

Holy Moly, what a thrill and an honor!
Congrats, you deserve it!
(And what a great photo of you!)

Jodi said...

Good going, Malka - I'm off to Barnes and Noble one night this week - hopefully I can get a copy there!

DonnaGi said...

you so deserve this Malka! Your creativity and energy make you the prolific artist that you are. Congratulations!!

Cheryl Arkison said...

Incredible! I'll have to look for it at the magazine stand. Did they photograph all your quilts too? Congratulations.

Vivika said...

And you should be! BTW Amazon sent me an email that your new book is on its way to my house... Congratulations

Susan W. said...

Congratulations, Malka. Absolutely well-deserved. I'm still eager to hear the tale of the photo shoot.

Dan Rouse said...

Congratulations! What a nice spread.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a huge coup!! Congratulations and well-deserved!

carol said...

Quite honestly, I'm surprised it took them 20 years to find you! We all discovered you long ago! LOL (And we're so glad we did!)

Vicki W said...

Congratulations! That's fabulous!

diana said...

You are an incredible artist and fully diserve it! said...

I wonder how many of these secrets you are keeping at any moment! You are featured all over. AMAZING. INSPIRING. BEAUTIFUL...

skye said...

Congratulations!!! I love the picture of the quilt!! Beautiful!!

Sarah said...

Wow this is really fabulous! Malka Dubrawsky, come on down!

Andi said...

Go Malka!!!

house on hill road said...

omg is right! so cool, malka! and well deserved! congrats!

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

Fantastic photo of you wrapped up in the quilt! Congratulations!

patty a. said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful thing to happen. Your fabric is beautiful and your work is stunning!

mcregan said...

Congratulations! I am very happy for you! I can't wait to have a copy of the magazine and your new book! You are truly an inspiration!

em's scrapbag said...

Congrats! That is totally awesome. I'm so happy for you!

Lisa said...

How amazing and wonderful! It must really feel like you've arrived at a place you've been dreaming of for a long time. The pictures look amazing.

Kristin L said...

OMG for sure! The spreads look great, and I absolutely love the "superwoman" portrait of you -- because you obviously are!!

Fran said...

Congrats ! What a wonderful surprise for you
as well as an awesome honor ! I always read
American Craft at the library....will check it out
this Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Wow !! Congratulations. Well deserved.

Kathy said...

Congratulations!!!! now your a rock god!

Tracey said...

Those photos look glorious, congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! How exciting it must be to be featured in a magazine you have always loved!

Your work is wonderful - you deserve it!

ilovebabyquilts said...

You look amazing, girl! Congrats! You look super skinny and ultra cool in your jeans.

FatQuarterQuiltFarm said...

well DUH!! this is HUGE but I'm not surprised!!! Big fat CONGRATULATIONS to you!!! that is an awesome photo too btw......

Andrea said...

I'm catching up on a couple weeks of posts so reading backwards - my goodness, such a heaping pile of great news! New book, Happy birthday, Gorgeous completed quilt, Fabulous write-up and recognition in national magazine... Both your work and your spirit are bright and shining ~ it's good to see you/them shining out so brightly!