Friday, February 11, 2011

Stanley and Me

Do you know what terrifies me?
 He may look like Mr. Bill from Saturday Night Live (remember Mr. Bill?), but this is Flat Stanley, a much loved and venerated children's book character and when he and his letter arrive in my mailbox I begin to shake. The letter is always addressed to my youngest daughter and asks that she take the very planar Stanley on an adventure, write about and photograph said adventure, and then return Stanley from whence he came.
That's the fantasy conjured up by some first grade teacher to coax her students into integrating their study of Flat Stanley and his two-dimensional activities into some tangible project. The reality is that my 13-year old is not going to walk around the house, let alone town, toting a 9" tall paper doll. Nor is she going to photograph him as she pursues the adventure that is a day in the life of an 8th grader. You know who's going to have to take ole Stanley on adventure? That's right, me.
This is the second time I've "entertained" a Stanley as both my nieces go to the same school and apparently have had the same first grade teacher. The first time, I had to be nagged quite a bit to complete my "homework". This time the nagging hasn't quite started, so I decided to nip it in the bud, by taking Stanley with me to quilt this, seen here as a work in progress.
Imagine yourself grasping Stanley's wafer-thin hand, crafted out of the finest papel de copier, as we spend a day quilting.
Here's Stanley getting acquainted with another inanimate object as he meets the very three-dimensional long arm quilting machine.
And here's Flat Stanley cavorting with the lovely Bernell, proprietress of Seams Like Dixie: Finish-it-Yourself Longarm Quilting.
Finally, here's Flat Stanley, "helping" me to quilt.
There. My assignment is done. Now, all I have left is to write about our adventure, print the pictures, stamp, and send the envelope.


  1. oh, that is TOO funny! LOL. And, how I wish I knew of a 'do it yourself' longarm business around me! I could sure make use of at least a couple full days on one of those!

  2. We had a "Flat Stanley" arrive in the mail here in Melbourne from US friends' young son a few years ago. We had never heard of the book here! Our flattie was Flat Dan as the senders had been asked to make them in their own image and he was bigger than yours. Needless to say he had a great visit to Australia and while he caused my kids some embarrassment he was photographed in many interesting places like the beach, native bush and at sports, and also with some iconic foods as we took him with us at Christmas!

  3. Careful Stanley, don't want to get any appendages perforated!

  4. Well you get an A from me. I can't believe you've just done your child's homework for her. What a mom you are! I would shake too seeing flat Stanley arriving in the mail.

  5. So that's what that is or should I say who. I saw some scattered parents parading what must have been stanlely's brother here in downtown Victoria the other day. It's all making sense now. I sometimes think teachers lay awake thinking of projects for us parents. son is a teacher.I hope you and Stanley were enjoying the long arm.

  6. That is so funny. My niece had that assignment in 1st grade. (Hey, I wonder if they go to the same school...) She gave Stanley to my parents who proceeded to lose their digital camera (not sure how) in the process of photographing Stanley. Sounds like one of those assignments that's a lot more work for the adults involved than for the kids.

  7. I had Flat Stanley visit me in Hawaii for a month or so last year. The first thing I did was dress him in an Aloha shirt & shorts. My husband & I took him on lots of adventure-we had a whole (small) photo album of him before he returned to Maryland with his own little surfboard!

  8. My daughters school had Teddy Lego, a medium size bear. Looks like Stan had a good time. The things we do for the ones we love. You made me laugh, I remember how it feels...we got to see what all the other parents before us pressure.

  9. Very Funny! My kids have never had to do any of that stuff!

  10. WOW! what a small world! i did the same thing a few months back for my cousin in texas!!!

  11. Wow! Kids in Austin must be advanced. At my school it's the 3rd graders that map Flat Stanley's trip around the world. If you want Stanley to see Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, you can send him to us at Mrs. Stradinger
    Rockwell Elementary School, 821 Monroe St., Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
    I'll show him around the town and send him back.
    P.S. I'm quilting my Tuesday Pillow today. LOVE it!

  12. That is so cute. He came to visit me once, several years ago and I got my grandchildren together and we took pictures. I love him with your longarm!

  13. You were lucky! We had a life-sized 'Flat Duncan' show up. My retired husband and I had to entertain him with all the activities that our GS Duncan enjoyed. Climb a tree, sleep-over at Grandma's, and walk our dog. At least we did not have to worry about ripping as ourson had laminated Flat Duncan.
    Thanks for reminding me to check on the real Duncan...

  14. teehee, we live in Vancouver. Once we received a Flat Stanley from Toronto, right before a vacation. We took Stanley to Barbados, brought him back to Vancouver, then shipped him back to Toronto with photos. My kids were little, so they thought it was really fun and we had never heard of the book before, so in general it was a hilarious experience for us!

  15. So funny. But I don't look forward to getting Stanley in the mail. Is this what I am looking for when my kid goes to school? lol

  16. This is too funny!!! I'd say Stanley had a pretty great day with you!

  17. I fully understand you. We don't have Stanley over here but some other activities, intended for the kids, that end up on your desk. Well, it is a way to go back to our childhood, isn't it? Let's be positive :-)

  18. what a fun quilt! Beautiful color combo!

  19. Since I have no kids, this was something new for me. Actually a cute idea. Guess Stanley was lucky he did not have an encounter with a rotary cutter or got all stitched up. You are a good person to take on this homework assignment. By the way, I just adore you designs and colors. You are a very gifted artist!

  20. Hilarious! I've never met him in person, but I'm thrilled to see that other commenters have!
