Friday, March 18, 2011

In which my hamantaschen have their 15 Minutes and I post about a new quilt

Who would have thunk it that a day that began with my middle girl lamenting that she's not having a good time at the beach and could I drive the 4 1/2 hours each way to pick her up, would turn out like this.
I got an email this morning from an editor at the TODAY show asking if I'd let them use this photo:
Now, these are last year's nutella hamantaschen, so they're long ago digested, but, sure, go ahead and post about them here. I didn't notice until just now that the entire TODAY show cast seem to be smiling down on my hamantaschen. cute is that?
Then, my photo got picked up here and here.
Then, the lovely folks at TODAY decided to feature it here and I'm even quoted. Very fun. I've been giggling about it all day.
It's been almost as fun as finishing this quilt:
Postscript to the beach saga. My eldest daughter's amazingly terrific boyfriend volunteered to pick up the unhappy vacationer.  Yup. It's been a good day.
Have a great weekend and Chag Purim Sameach to all of you joining me tomorrow night or on Sunday in eating hamantaschen, cranking groggers, and general Purim silliness!


  1. Yeah on all fronts - how exciting.....the cookies look delicious and that quilt is absolutely gorgeous!

  2. How exciting and fun for you! You must have been thrilled. What a great picture! and I bet they were yummy too!

  3. chag purim sameach to you too. i haven't had humentashen in more than 30 years. it sure does look good. love your colorful quilt.

  4. Chag Sameach. Our whole school dressed up yesterday for the day. It was so much fun. Your pot mitt it so clever. What a great present. Maybe honey cake for Rosh Hashana on the next pot mitt. I made lots of apple pot mitts last year but a recipe to go with is brilliant.

  5. How fun is that? and I love your quilt - gorgeous!!

  6. Sorry about the vacation but it turned out so great! I love the quilt!

  7. too true about the cinnamon raisin bagels.
    Purim Sameach!


  8. What an AMAZING quilt, Malka. It's absolutely so joyous. Well done!

  9. Love the quilt and would really love to make some of the humentashen, is there a recipe posted somewhere?

  10. Just love this quilt!! It reminds me of a crocheted throw. So colourful!


    I look and cinnamin raisen bagels as a dessert, with walnut raisen cream cheese. Where ever did I find those 5 pounds...LOL!!!



  12. the quilt is simply stunning. I never heard of those sweets, did you by any chance publish the recipe? (they look delicious!!)

  13. That quilt is so beautiful!! I wish my bed was that colourful =)

  14. How wonderful! Exciting! And now I'm pretty hungry and guilty I'm not working on my own quilt!

  15. That is so totally awesome about your photo. What fun. Love the new quilt. I just posted it to my pinterest page. I don't think you're on pinterest yet but would love to see you there! I have posted some of your other stuff there (shared with links of course) and have found it a great place for quilt inspiration.

  16. that quilt is just so gorgeous! It makes me smile and my eyes pop just looking at it! I love what you do with colour.

  17. ahhhhh! what a breathtaking quilt!

    and congrats on your photo making the rounds! off to check out the links....

  18. That's so fun to have famous cookies!
    I love your new quilt. From previous pix I didn't realize how small the circles were. Seeing it laid out on the bed, I immediately thought it looked like a modern version of a yo-yo quilt. All of the incredible color and pattern make it a wonder!

  19. That is so awesome! You should be proud ;) Though personally, I think the quilt is even more beautiful than the cookies. And what a nice guy your elder daughter's bf is! A keeper for sure.

  20. The quilt is gorgeous. Love the colours and the design - stunning!

  21. Love the quilt! Are the circles raw-edge applique or turned under?

  22. Love the quilt, is that in your new book? What are the measurements for the circles and squares?

  23. Congrats all all accounts, Malka! BTW I love this quilt!

  24. I just found your blog and it looks very interessting.....the quilt is truely colorful and charming!
