Friday, September 9, 2011

Eryn's Quilt

A few weeks ago, my friend Eryn asked me to make a quilt for her soon-to-be niece or nephew's room. Initially she requested a quilt design similar to this quilt, but ultimately decided she preferred something more like a traditional pinwheel design. Me being me and, let's face it, she knew that going in, I opted to use the pinwheel concept more as a jumping off point than as an actual design.
I improvisationally crafted the half-triangle squares that make up the four-patch of the pinwheel block and then added bits of fabric as needed to make block parts as well as whole blocks fit together.
Eryn provided much of the fabric, especially the greens, and I added in a few solids as well as some of the strike offs from my new line that didn't make the final cut. The initial set of strike offs that came to me probably included 100 different colorways and  I was asked to whittle that down to 40 prints and solids. That means there were quite a few terrific fabrics that had to be deleted. The folks at Moda were nice enough though to send me those strike offs and I'm excited to include them in some of my projects.
I finished off this mini quilt with a bit of machine quilting in a large concentric spiral. It's really a super-simple concept done just little differently.
Eryn has already picked up her quilt, thus this post, and seems pretty happy with the finished product. Me too. I'm pretty happy with it too.


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!! So beautiful, Malka; you never fail to impress me with your creations.

  2. I think it's great! I absolutely love the colors and the way you quilted it!

  3. Love it! The dynamic between the triangles and the spiral quilting works so well

  4. That is really beautiful. It pops! I don't know the right term for it... BUT it's awesome! Nice job!

  5. you have such a talent for colour schemes. every piece so fresh and alive. love your work!

  6. Love it, as always! Beautiful colors, and the circular quilting is the perfect finishing touch.

  7. Love the way the quilting picks up on the pinwheel design. Fab colours too!

  8. "Pretty happy" with it?! It's wonderful!!

  9. Thank you for making this. This is one of our favorite gift at the shower!!! It's definitely an heirloom piece!
