Friday, October 14, 2011

a stitch in color preview project #8: Sukkah Chain

I know some of you are scratching your heads and wondering what is a Sukkah and why would I make a chain for it. Rather than answer those questions directly because, hey, I'm nothing if not a little lazy, I'll direct you here.
Today I'm featuring another project using my new line of fabrics, a stitch in color, but I'm particularly proud of this project as it combines two significant things in my life and produces something semi-useful.
Every year I build a sukkah. And, by build, I mean that I get some nice, helpful guy to construct it for me. Nonetheless, it is a presence in my life every year at this time in the Jewish calender. Every year I decorate my sukkah in some way. One year I put up all the drawings my kids had made in the past year. Of course that year it rained a lot, so I didn't do that again. Some years I hang paper chains or gourds. It all depends on my mood and how much time I want to devote to it. This year I strung a lot of lights (thanks to the assortment of Christmas lights already available at Target) and made these:
Yup. Those are fabric chains made out of a huge box of leftover strips of a stitch in color that Moda sent me. I haven't even begun to make a dent in the strips(potential future giveaway?), but I did use them to craft these chains.
Aren't they pretty?
I did have some help in making and hanging the chains from my buddies, Adam and Josh, so thanks guys!
To all my fellow sukkot celebrants, I wish you a chag sameach and to everyone else, have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Beautiful decorations for your Sukkah Booth! Love the idea of a giveaway of some strips... the colors just zing!

  2. Love your chains!! I had a great idea for using fabric and making our sukkah beautiful...May be done for next year though....I'm going to use fabric stretchers and put some fabric on those and hang them in the sukkah!

  3. Chag sameach! I'm hosting a sukkah party on Sunday and may have to whip up some fabric chains just in time. It's been fun explaining Sukkot to several friends who have never encountered it before and want to figure out the "fort" as they have taken to calling it.

  4. Bonitas cintas de colores...tienes unos trabajos maravillosos en tu blog.
    Saludos desde Galicia.

  5. שנה טובה

    Your sukkah looks wonderful and I love the chains!

  6. Neat idea? Did you just make them like you would paper chains? (long strips stapled together?)

  7. Chag Sameach! Great idea about the fabric chains. Festive and quilty!
