Monday, January 2, 2012

30-Day Challenge:: Me, Myself, and I

Like many people I use the New Year which is, after all, a pretty arbitrary demarcation, as an opportunity to start new things or improve on old ones. Because there's been a lot of turbulence in my life this past year, I've had a bit of trouble focusing on the work that needs to get done and resolved that the new year would bring a renewed attention to the task at hand. Two days in I'm still having a bit of trouble and this picture is actually proof of that. What should I being doing? Oh, the list is long and varied. What am I doing. Taking a new profile shot for Facebook. Maybe it's not a switch that you pull when you resolve to change something. Maybe the resolution is more about starting the process than getting the thing done.


  1. Hello, Malka.
    I totally agree with you.
    Thanks for sharing with us much more than your work.
    Happy new year!

  2. After your reading your last post I wrote down a few things I wanted to make a *habit* in my life...the 30 day challenge.
    3 days in and I'm just doing OK! I have shortened the list to make it more manageable for me. I am getting up half an hour earlier each day and I am stitching each day. The rest will have to follow later.
    I hope you can break down your list and make it more manageable too. You look so sad in your profile picture...I hope that you are able to turn things around in 2012 and be happy again.
    Take care and I wish you health, happiness and good fortune in 2012.

    Jacky xox

  3. They always say that it's the journey and not the destination that's important! Let's hope they're right.

    You look so much younger with your hair that way. Love it!

  4. There can be joy in the journey. The first step is to turn and face the direction you want to go in.
    Your 30 challenge inspires me to turn and face...
    Thanks, Wendy

  5. I would say that's the very thing I struggle with.
    Last year I made a very simple goal of doing something every single day and I accomplished it. The first thing I did was share about it (on facebook, where I've a lot of friends) and then did it, no matter what. It made me accountable. No one else but me really noticed, but it really made me feel good. So ~ I did it again this year and so far I've done what I said I was going to do. Granted, it's only 3 days in, but I think I'll be able to do it!
    As far as sewing and quilting things go, I've got about 7 unfinished things to finish. I think it's quite doable when I think of my friends UFO's ~ one friend has 30!
    Thanks for your posts ~ they've really got me thinking!
