Thursday, February 2, 2012

30-Day Challenge:: Hinting

New palette chosen. Selected designs weeded out from rejects. New collection just about ready to be sent off. I used my macro lens to give y'all a hint without hopefully revealing too much.


  1. I was hoping there'd be new stuff coming!

  2. Oh Malka, don't tease us so. I think my parcel of 1 yd each of ALL of your first fabric line sits at the post office as I type. But we are a one car family right now and it's not my turn at the wheel---CRAP. Tease away Malka I can take it --show me all you want---just let me know when the line is out so I can save up my pennies again.

  3. Oh. Man. I love this little peek. I'm so excited to see the rest!

  4. Thanks for the sneak peek. The collection looks fabulous!

  5. Looks amazing. Love the plus :)

  6. I am SO excited to find out about you/your fabric! I just went to my LQS and found soem Stitch in Color and I fell in LOVE instantly! I love BOLD, BRIGHT colors on fabric. I picked up 7 different prints can't wait to make something and will come back to your blog to share it with you (btw I am just outside of Austin *wink*) I ADORE it in Central TX - best place to live!!

  7. Ooh, When is it due for release so I can pre-order some?

  8. I love the happiness of your colours!

  9. fantabulous. oh i love my macro lens,what an ingenious tease.
