Monday, January 27, 2014

Hey there!

Top 5 BS Excuses for my Long Absence:
5. Kept typing in http with just one slash and couldn't get my browser to find this URL.
4. My dog ate my computer.
3. Someone was already parked in my cyber space.
2. Paralyzed by angst over whether to use Safari, Firefox, or Chrome as my browser
1. Too busy corresponding with new-found Nigerian banker friend to post to my blog.

There you have it. My reasons for being away from this space.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I want to show off 3 projects I recently completed.
This quilt is a supersized version of the traditional Snail's Trail pattern interpreted in low volume fabrics, kinda, sorta. The fabrics are a mix of prints and solids, some commercial, others hand dyed that I had in my stash. It's a pretty generously sized lap quilt.
Also supersized, but in a different way, this one-block version of Broken Dishes is actually a large floor pillow. The background is a neutral solid and the triangles are probably 40 or so mixed solids and prints.
Ok, I know I'm not supposed to pick favorites, that every project has it's own unique beauty, but forget all that. These guys are definitely my favorite of the three projects. I spend so much of my time making graphic, non-representational images that when I get a chance to make something that looks otherwise, I get really excited. These also have a finish that I've been using on a lot of my projects, rounded edges.
You'll be seeing these projects in another format in the future, though I can't exactly talk about that. What I can say is there are more reveals to come and I hope everyone's New Year has gotten off to a dandy start!


  1. Yay! You're back and and you've been mighty busy with these beauties! Can I ask a question: How big is your lap quit? Mine seem to be getting smaller . . . Take care, Byrd

  2. Who needs excuses anyway, ha. It's OK to play favorites and I'd have to agree, love them.

  3. Good to see you back
    I love the fabrics in the 'from outside in' range that I've been playing with

  4. I'm glad you were able to break away from the banker for an update. I'm loving the round edges!

  5. I am new to your blog but I loved your title 'a stitch in dye'. I am also a fabric dyer.

  6. You have the technology, you have the fabric... If only you had the time. I'm waiting for my From Outside In layer cake to arrive now. Love it!
