Friday, February 7, 2014

Laurel Love

If you happen to follow my Pinterest board Sew Worth Making, then you've seen a lot of shift-like dresses pinned there.
My absolute favorite though is Laurel by Colette Patterns.
Check out this version:
And this pin that isn't exactly an example of this pattern, but something like this could definitely be made using Laurel.
Though I bought the pattern in a frenzy when it first came out, I didn't make any of the possible 4 versions featured in the pattern until recently. I thought about making them. I planned to make them. I even imagined myself wearing the as-yet-unmade Laurels, but I didn't cut or sew anything until this:
and this:
I made the top pretty true to the pattern out of one of the prints in my Simple Marks Autumn collection. The dress is crafted in denim, also inspired by loads of beautiful denim shift dresses I've been seeing online.
I did alter the dress a bit, adding darts in front because I needed a little more waist definition and I shortening the overall length because, hey, I'm not exactly tall.
And I'm not done yet. I'm about 80% finished with another version of this dress and could definitely see making spring/summer versions of this pattern in linen and maybe a lovely Liberty print.

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