Friday, March 21, 2014

Inspiration: The Quick and Dirty Version

I've been thinking about this a lot lately: inspiration, where it comes from, why it's different for every person, and what you really end up doing with all those bits of inspiration you gather in the average day, week, year.
I think about this a lot primarily because I love Pinterest and gain a lot of inspiration from looking at images there.
Having said that, all I have time for today is the quick and dirty version of the discussion. It's the hey, here's a bit of inspiration I found and here's what I'm making of it.
I would, however, love to have a more extensive discussion about the topic, so I'm planning that for next week.
I have this:
Strips of color all neatly cut and ready for my next quilt pattern.
And this:
The inspiration image, found you know where, but linked to this site, and the beginnings of a quilt I'm calling "A Star for Baby C".
And even this:
The reject block or blocks. Because before you have the aha moment, you have a bunch of "eh, this is not quite it" moments.
The aha moments are a lot more fun. Here's hoping for a bunch of those this weekend!


  1. Please remember, as I've said before, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. :)

  2. i am so intrigued about anyone takes inspiration and makes it into something else. thanks for sharing, malka. this is going to be a stunning quilt.

  3. 4I really like the way this pattern expands outward- the stripes really move your eye. Are you inserting a cream strip in between the orange ones where the triangles meet? Otherwise you lose the rhythm, so I thought I'd ask now rather than later.
