Tuesday, February 13, 2007


So I decided to drop the adjective "good" from my weekly feature. I still think that Tuesday is a good day, as good as any. And, I still plan on posting newly finished work on Tuesday. But, the 'good" part kept reminding me of the characters in The Crucible like Goody Sarah. The title just brought up weird associations, so I've edited it down to "Tuesday".
This Tuesday, I'm posting an image of a baby quilt I finished in the nick of time. I was making this for a dear friend and,coincidentally enough, both the baby and the quilt were birthed on the same day. This quilt was a bit of a departure for me as I used a lot of commercial fabrics, though I did over dye and pattern some of them. I really enjoyed making it and it sparked a lot of ideas for me about incorporating both new and vintage fabrics and hand-dyed and commercial material into the same piece. Also, the fun thing about using commercial fabrics is that I love embellishing them with embroidery. I didn't do this on this piece because I knew it would be used and probably washed a lot. But, I can definitely envision doing that on a future piece.


  1. what a fantastic piece! i was lucky enough to see it this morning laying on one of malka's work tables with the early morning light across it accentuating the incredible quiltwork. it gave the impression of one of those japanese meditation gardens with the patterned/raked sand.

  2. Great work! Malka, you may want to consider joining the Dyers' Webring - see my blog for the link.

