Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Another One

I've made yet another challah cover. This one's for someone who's bought several things from me in the past. I really enjoyed mixing all the different fabrics in this piece. I used some of my hand-dyed cottons, new fabric that I recently purchased from Purl (I so love that place) and some thrifted fabric. Tomorrow this piece goes to it's new home. This is one of the last things on my to-do list before I can finish my prep work for my Etsy store. My plan is to open it on the first day of summer. That's June 21. That's this Thursday. Oh my!


  1. Your challah covers are so fun and colorful. They make me wish I actually used challah covers. I suppose it's frowned upon to convert just for cool accessories, isn't it? ;-)

  2. Yeah, I guess the cool accessories reason might not meet with rabbinic approval.
