Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sewing for ME

This past week, my two elder girls have been out of town with their swim team in California. (minor digression: the entire team, coach and chaperones had to spend the night last night in LAX because their flight back to Austin was canceled. They are, however, on their way back at this very moment.) Anyway...that left just me and Abi at home. So, I decided that I'd take some time to sew myself a few things. Now, I haven't officially taken the wardrobe refashion pledge, but I've been living by it for the past month or so. I'm thinking about taking the more official plunge for July. I'm really attracted to the idea of making my own clothes. My ears always perk up when I meet someone and, in the course of chatting with them, they mention that they sew their own clothing. Long story short(wait, too late for that) I've made myself two new summer shirts from the ever popular pattern Simplicity 4589.
I made this with some fabric I bought a while back at my local Joann's.
I loved the first version so much that I made a second top. This time I sewed one of the sleeveless views. I used some fabric that I had bought from Purl . This fabric was originally slated for more twinkle circles, but I really liked this top that I saw featured on Sew,mama,sew The article was about ways to use Denyse Schmidt's latest line of fabrics. What struck me, though, was the idea of using some of the terrific crafting/quilting fabric that's out these day to create garments. So, I decided to use this Rowan print for just that.


  1. Cool. I really like the fabric in the sleeved version. I might have to buy that pattern to make something for my sister. :)

  2. Your sister sure is lucky to have you sewing for her. I just ended up with brothers, so I'm out of luck in that department.

  3. Well, all I got was a sister and two sons, hence the sewing for the sis. ;) I would love to make one of these shirts for me, but my ginormous upper level with just make a tent shirt, I'm afraid.

  4. Your shirts look wonderful! I just made a similar top. Next time I think I'll use the simplicity pattern.

  5. Hi Beki,
    The Simplicity pattern was super easy to use. I actually bought it as a download initially, but connecting the 40 or so pieces of printed paper to create the pattern pieces was way beyond me. I just sucked it up, went to the store and bought it as a regular pattern.
