Thursday, November 8, 2007

So much to say, so little time...

I do have a lot to say. Though, according to my kids, most of it is just a repetition of something I've already said but forgotten about. I don't agree, but that's neither here nor there. I do have a lot of things I'd like to write about, but not always as much time to write as I'd like.
For instance, about six months ago I was commissioned to recreate a kite. Yes, a kite. I'd never made one before and actually could probably count on my fingers the number of times I've flown a kite, but there I was remaking a much loved but worn out kite. The original kite belonged to my client's father. He had purchased it in the fifties in Vietnam. She had vivid memories of flying the kite with her dad when she was a kid. Unfortunately the kite had seen better days. The woman wanted to have the original copied and give it to her dad. The entire thing was supposed to be a surprise. And apparently it was a very successful and emotional one at that. A few days ago the woman sent me these pictures of it soaring through the air.

I've also been doing a lot of knitting lately, but, like the kite haven't had an opportunity to post about it. I'm almost completely done with the Hourglass Sweater from Last Minute Knitted Gifts and I'm making one of Fiona Ellis' heavily cabled sweaters from her book, Inspired Cable Knits. The thermometer dipped below 60 here, so that means it's sweater time.

And... I've got a slew of new items going into my shop tomorrow. More coasters, baby items and lots more fabric.

And... I bought two new textile stamps at the quilt festival and have been making lots of new fabric with them. I ordered another new stamp from this etsy store .
And...I'm finally back at work on this .
And... I actually had more, but I forgot. That's all for now.


  1. A Kite! Now that's got to be a challenge. Great job -- love your other goodies too!

  2. Is there anything you can't do with fibers and fabric??

  3. Malka - what a great way to catch up with you!! I'm finally reading your blog - now that my life has settled down. Your creative work sounds very exciting!! I'd love to see some of it and will do more browsing when I have more time. Anyway, I'd like to see you in person as well - Drew's parents are coming soon, so we may be sticking close to home... but I'm coming back here to keep tabs on you :>)
