Wednesday, February 13, 2008


My sewing machine has been seriously humming around here lately. Not because I dutifully clean and oil it. After all, I was the person that took a previous machine in for repair and was promptly called by the repair dude with inquiries into what exactly I had been doing with my machine and how had I managed to decimate a part that was supposed to last 25 years. No, the humming is the result of lots of machine piecing and quilting. I've been working on a proposal, though I'm not going to go into anymore detail about that right now. But the folks that contacted me about this "proposal" did find me via my flickr page, so I think it would be OK for me to share a few photos.

I pretty much pieced and quilted this puppy over an intense three day period. Honestly, those circles were more work to quilt than I had originally envisioned, but once I'd made one, I was committed. That's the thing with machine quilting. It's such a bear to rip out that you better be pretty darn sure that's the pattern you want. I'm happy with it now, but I was counting down the circles still left to quilt by the end.

I also used my new favorite technique on this quilt. I machine washed and dried it after it was bound. I'm such a sucker for the texture that creates.

I'm calling this quilt XOXO. See, I spelled it out in blocks.


  1. I love the colors on this quilt. It looks so beautiful.

  2. I posted to your flickr photo as well, but I'm so in love I just had to tell you how fabulous this is again. It's FABULOUS! =)

  3. I love your stuff so much. One of these days I'm going to buy something of yours to save as an heirloom. You are incredibly talented.

  4. This is gorgeous! The texture reminds me of the quilts my grandmother made entirely by hand. I have one that is sadly in need of repair.

  5. Oh fabulous! I hope your "proposal" is for a book because I would buy it in a second.

    Did you quilt the circles before piecing them? I cant imagine turning whole quilt round and round like that.

  6. This quilt is incredible.

  7. The circles are the perfect foil to the 9-patches. I love how simple and traditional this is -- yet it looks so fresh and modern. Well done! Good luck with your proposal.

  8. Phenominally gorgeously stunning! xoxox

  9. That is a perfect name for it! Really this quilt couldn't be more lovely. I just love the colors and quilting.

  10. Thanks everyone!
    Sarah- I did quilt the circles after I pieced the whole quilt. You gotta love free motion quilting.

  11. So beautiful!! I don't know if you've answered this before as I just started reading your blog (and love it!), but what type of machine do you use? The same for quilting and piecing? Thanks for any info!

  12. Hi Amber- I have a Bernina 1008 and I love it. I use it for everything, piecing, quilting, general sewing.

  13. wow- beautiful! Love the circles and the colors!

  14. It's beautiful Malka -- I love the colors!

  15. This is just smashing. The quilting really takes it over the top, it was worth the work!

  16. Gorgeous quilt! The circles were so worth all of your hard work. They add such a wonderful texture!

  17. I saw this on flickr & loved it!
    aviva_hadas (on flickr)

  18. love, love, love this quilt!

  19. Your quilting is so beautiful! I just found your blog, and I am adding it to my favorites list to read everyday.
