Thursday, February 28, 2008


I've been so lax! I'm really good about adding pictures of my newest work to my flickr page, but I'm not so quick on the draw here. Abi and I have been talking a lot lately about figures of speech. So don't be surprised if I pepper my speech with every cliche under the sun.
Anyway, not to beat a dead horse, and because time waits for no man, here's what's newest out of my studio.

I finished a custom order for a numbers quilt sized for a twin bed and a matching pillow sham. It required an amazing amount of quilting and I was sweating bullets until I started the binding.

I also made another Nate pillow.

And filled some fabric orders.

I also had a chance to revisit my Great Aunt Irma Patchwork Pillow series. I think I'll be adding this pillow to my shop tomorrow as I have another pillow nearing completion and want to add them together.
OK, that's it, for now. Back to the grindstone!


  1. I adore this numbers fabric (which makes complete sense, having no children of my own!). I'd love to get some to make gifts for some friends. I thought I had heard that this was available at IKEA, but my IKEA only had it in a twin duvet cover (and the fabric seemed way too thin for quilting). Is that where you got yours? And that quilting -- it's awesome! Do you mark all the lines before you start? Thanks!

  2. I love the number fabric! Where did you get it? I've got daughter named Abigail, we call her Abi (and spell it the same as the Abi mentioned in you post!) By the way beautiful quilting!

  3. How many times can a person post "You are so cool," "Your work is so cool," "I want to be cool like you" before it gets redundant?

    Seriously, this is cool.

  4. Thanks so much Amy,Anita and Denice.
    About the fabric- It is from IKEA and it isn't sold as fabric. I use the twin duvet covers to make these numbers quilts and totes. I agree that the fabric is a little thin, but add some batting and a backing and you're set to quilt. I don't mark any of my quilts before I quilt. I do all my quilting free motion on my machine and in the case of the numbers quilt, I just outline the shapes of the letters in concentric lines. I also make spirals inside the 0,9,and 6.
    Amy- I'll have to tell my Abi that someone else shortens Abigail like that. She'll get a kick out of that.
    Denice- I sure do appreciate your enthusiasm.

  5. love all your stuff! I have got to go to Ikea when I visit my family and get some fabric.

  6. I admire your work tremendously. You are so good at choosing the colors and the quilting

  7. Oh my! Again, such beautiful work. I so want to buy some of your fabric. I am saving up and thinking about a quilt design to use it in. Enjoy your weekend!

  8. I love to visit your blog and everytime I come back here to you, then you have produced such amazing stuff. I'm really fond of all your works.

    With lots of greeting from Germany - have a nice weekend!

  9. Such beautiful colors! I think I am wishing for spring- seeing your photos is making me so tired of all the winter gray in New England :-)

  10. Oh Malka! I love that numbers quilt! Also the colors in the flower garden pillow are beautiful!

  11. Simply beautiful. You are so inspiring.

  12. Oh, do I love those numbers! And your tilting squares too. What a lucky customer order-er!

  13. Hi again.

    I've searched and searched but cannot find the blue fabric with white than red dots you used for your backing. Would you tell me who and where?

    Thanks again...and again. You so inspire.

  14. Hi Kristen,
    It's an Amy Butler print from her Belle collection. It is nearly impossible to find, but I did manage to locate some at a fabric store called .
    Hope this helps.

  15. I just found your blog and I wonder how I never found it before! What beautiful work!!

    I am drawn to dyeing my own fabric, too, because often I just cannot find the tone I want. Looking at your quilts makes me realize why I am drawn to this...

    Now I'm off to browse your Flickr photos, too!;-)

  16. your numbers quilt is awesome. and am so lovin that pillow. you are fabulous! i need to make a trip to ikea too!

  17. beautiful stuff, love the numbers....

  18. The numbers quilt is awesome!

  19. That is THE best cutest baby set ever! you are such a quilting inspiration, I love your colors!

  20. Beautiful numbers quilt. I adore it. Since I am no artist and can't stitch a lick. Are you going to make more of this wonderful item?
