Friday, March 28, 2008


Thanks everyone for all your words of encouragement about my "writing assignment" and my little quilt. Actually, that little quilt has got me thinking about a gardening lecture I went to several years back. I don't remember the speaker's name, but I do remember that he talked about his gardening credo that a beautiful garden doesn't rely entirely on flowers in bloom. He emphasized the importance of creating interest by selecting plants that have different foliage colors and textures. He even mentioned the value of factoring in the plant's growing habit in choosing which plants to pair in your garden. How does this relate to my little quilt? First, all this sewing is causing me to neglect my garden. And second, I definitely tried not to rely on color in this quilt. I intentionally limited my spectrum of colors and values to blur the simple pattern of the blocks. I found it weirdly calming. Maybe that's why I can envision it as a quilt on my bed. Though I probably can't work that way full time, it's a nice respite to quiet the colors sometimes.

And since I often work out ideas as pillow tops, I made this pillow with the same intent as the mini quilt and many of the same fabrics.

I did use one fabric that is very special to me, but it's not because I patterned it myself.

The yellow polka-dot fabric is cute(if not a little wrinkled), but it's specialness comes from it having been the curtains in my eldest's room when she was a baby. She's 16 now, so that was awhile back. I saved them all this time and pulled them out the other day because I wanted to include them in my aforementioned bed quilt. Since self-control is not my strong suit I used some in both the front and back of this pillow. Not to worry though, there's plenty more.


  1. It is calming, but draws you in to look closer as well. Love your work!

  2. I love this ensemble of fabric & color (and subtle color). That yellow fabric is beautiful on its own but it's even better because of the story!

  3. how come you are so great at everything you do??? I am impressed how much great work you turn out. Lovely quilting.

  4. Spring is in the air! Gorgeous - as usual! Have a great weekend.

  5. What a beautiful Pillow such lovely fresh colours!

  6. It is lovely! You seem to have a great talent in combining colors and patterns.

  7. I really love your beautiful fabrics and the lovely cushion covers and everything crafty you make.

  8. Gorgeous mini-quilt and pillow. I love how you used fabric that has sentimental value to you--you can see it and be reminded over and over again of the memories.

    Have you ever thought of doing a book--a sort of how to on creating/dyeing fabrics and projects that use them?

  9. I think limiting your use of colors is what makes this so beautiful. And polkadot curtains? That's so cool. :o)

  10. Really beautiful! I love the yellow. So cheerful and uplifting.

  11. Beautiful work, gorgeous fabrics.

  12. lovely pillow cover, Malka! I really should try something similar sometime as a creative challenge. I love mixing colors & patterns to create a certain mood and almost never use solids, but I sure love the look of it when I see it. My natural instinct is "more is more". I'm afraid a more calming pallette might shock my system! ;-) But then, that could be a good thing....

  13. just came across your blog this morning. Love your work! This piece in this post is just beautiful.

  14. These last more subdued color palates are beautiful. Your combination of fabrics and the stitching patterns are inspiring.

  15. Absolutely charming! You challenged yourself to stay away from something you traditionally do and it worked out great. I love the quilting as always. You really have some wonderful pieces.

  16. Look how you made the dots look so completely different in the front! I LOVE that.
