Wednesday, June 18, 2008

NYC Scenes::Part 1

We're heading back to Austin today and, though I'm happy to get back to my regular life and to my sewing machine, I am experiencing that end-of-vacation let down. We've had a terrific time here in NYC, seen some amazing work, walked through many fabulous neighborhoods and eaten some very tasty food. So, I thought I'd take this opportunity to share some of my favorite images from our brief visit here.

I saw these signs all over town, but this one had an addition to it that made me smile. Underneath the posted fine someone placed a bumper sticker railing against fascism in America, a poignant addition. Needless to say, the sign and it's threatened penalty are ignored.

This is Bryant Park. Like most visitors to NYC, I'd heard quite a bit about Central Park and had always taken the time to walk through it and enjoy it in contrast to the bustling city. But I'd never been to Bryant Park. I never even knew it existed until I joined an online book club sponsored by the NPR show, Bryant Park . Apparently the show is named after the park across the street from NPR studios in New York. This park has to be the most lush, verdant, pastoral space in all of NYC. There are rows of tables and chairs tucked in along huge swaths of ivy towered over by tall trees. There's even a Bryant Park Reading Room in the park. Visitors can "check out" a book to read while sitting in the park. Just amazing!

The above are all views of the New York Public Library. This is another famous New York landmark that I can't believe I didn't make it to until my third visit. What was I thinking? This should have been top of my list the first time I came to NY. Not only was the building itself breathtaking, but there was a wonderful (and I could go on with the superlatives) photography exhibit on display as well. And all this beauty and inspiration was free, not a fact to be ignored in this city.
The exhibit, Eminent Domain: Contemporary Photography and the City, was a group show focusing on the work of 6 photographers, Thomas Holton, Bettina Johae, Reiner Leist, Zoe Leonard, Ethan Levitas, and Glenn Lignon. This turned out to be one of those unexpected jewels you just seem to stumble upon in New York. I've linked to the photographers who have websites and I'd really encourage you all to check their work out.
That's it for this entry. I'm off to pack.

I just found out that I was featured at hallmark magazine's online blog . If you get a chance check it out.


  1. oh new york! I'm embarrassed to say that I never went to the NYPL--and I lived there for six years (I went to my local library plenty of times...just never went inside the nypl to see it).

    i'm glad you had a fun time--and sorry about all the rain destroying your work. boo. :(

  2. I've been checking out your NYC pics on flickr. You've been to some of my fav places. Isn't Bryant Park amazing. I like to imagine it during fashion week with all the tents. I am feeling that urge for a quick trip!

  3. Malka, I love Bryant Park and I love the library. Whenever I'm in the City with a few hours to kill, I go there.

  4. Oh, that wonderful New York! I went there on a brief scholarship, and it was one of those cities where I felt an immediate and profound sense of belonging. When I read the signs about not honking horns I was horrified! They can't mess with the New York lullaby!

  5. Nice writeup! URL is actually

    Love your colour sense in dye-ing!!

  6. Thanks Arlee for letting me know about the URL. I think I've fixed it so that it links with the correct address.

  7. Wow! good for you...even thou the rain cut your vending short, looks like you got a boost from a very happy "connected" customer. bet you will see more hits on your blog and better yet, etsy. by the way, i am still skyed over the fabric i got from you. thanks :-)

  8. What? No Brooklyn sightseeing after the Brooklyn craft fair? Amazing architecture, verdant pastures like BP x100, food, neighborhoods, cultures, cemeteries with Manhattan views, waterfront, brownstones, decaying and brand new piers, bridges, cobblestone streets, photographic opportunities galore...Maybe for your 4th trip? :-)

  9. Hi
    We stumbled across Bryant Park when my daughter and I were on a shopping trip to NYC. I thought it was the nicest park and did not learn until later how "famous" it was.
    And - the library IS awesome!
    Great pix.

  10. We found this park by accident when we were walking in early Sunday morning in NY. It has great atmosphere.
    Greatings from Peru! I thing that you would appreciate the colour combination which can peruvian women create in their outfit. It reminds me your work which I really like.
