Monday, August 18, 2008

Striped and stripped

I always have a hard time remembering whether the word meaning lines in a row is spelled striped or stripped. It's like the word tomorrow. It took me forever to ingrain the fact that tomorrow has one m and two r's and not the other way around. What does this really have to do with the pictures I'm posting? Uh...nothing. Except I guess that this quilt is striped(right?).

I've made this design before, but I repeated it for a very understanding and patient customer. The first time I made this quilt I listed it in my shop and it pretty much sat there for about 9 months. Then someone who lived nearby contacted me and, having seen it on Etsy, asked if she could just stop by and purchase it rather than go through my online store. "Sure," I said.

So, off went the first version to its new home. I didn't rush to delete the quilt from my store because it had sat there for months gathering virtual dust. I was more than a little shocked when a couple days later someone purchased it from my store. After I got my pulse below 100 beats per minute, I contacted my customer and told her what had happened. I immediately refunded her money and apologized profusely. She was very sweet and understanding and she still wanted a quilt like the first.

So I made some more striped fabric, pieced some more blocks and quilted another top just like the first.

And had enough fabric left over to make coasters.
I'm so in love with these stripes and I've had several requests for striped fabric in my shop, so look for that in the next couple weeks.


  1. I love this quilt! The stripes are so great.

  2. I absolutely love that quilt! The colors, the's just so happy.

  3. I wondered why you made another one! I love those stripes too. People might like fat quarter packs with one swatch of each color.

  4. Great quilt - and you got to sell it twice!

    I have a mnemonic for remembering the difference between striped and stripped. When my brother was little, he referred to his privates as his "peepee." So it's easy to remember that "stripped" means "took off his clothes" because - see? - it has a "pp."

  5. That quilt is gorgeous! I'm loving the stripes! Any chance some of those strips might make there way into one of your bundles? I just noticed those over in your shop and think it's a wonderful idea.

  6. piecemeal that's hilarious! i was going to say that if you look at "stripped" the two p's look like cleavage with legs.

  7. your fabric is fabulous. it's hard for me to believe the quilt sat in the shop that long. my birthday is coming soon...that should mean a bit of extra $ to spend...i'm wishing for a piece of your work, or maybe some fabric.

  8. OK, after that little mnemonic trick I don't think I'll ever have a problem remembering how to spell striped. But I think I might giggle a little every time I spell it. :)

  9. It seems insane- plus impossible- that you dye fabric, sew, make quilts, keep up with an online shop PLUS blog all at the same time. Not to mention the photo shoots. What's your secret? Seems we all have to create a little "media circus" around ourselves these days to get noticed.

  10. this quilt is so great! I am in love with your work. I can't believe that you recreated this's wonderful, as is the first one. your fabric is fabulous, too!

  11. It's so amazing! Gosh, your colourful, geometric quilt work is so incredible.

  12. Stripped or striped, it is beautiful! (I have always had the same problem with the word "Mediterranean" - and I study that region, so I have to write it at least 15 times a day. Go and figure.)

  13. Found the stipey bundles in your shop last night. YAY!! Thanks so much!

  14. Well, the quilt is really beautiful!

  15. what incredible fabric!!! Makes me smile just looking at it. It looks great in the quilt and in the little pieces...great work.

  16. Wowza, that quilt is incredible!! Very well done, I love the coasters too!

  17. I love the stripey quilt. It is truly a work of art!

  18. I love this quilt too. I am not normally into stripes but I have fallen for this one :-)
