Monday, March 2, 2009

Green:: Day One

I'm not going to sugar coat it (pun intended), I've got quite the collection of Altoids containers. First I should point out that I HATE Altoids. In fact I'm not much of a mint fan in general. But my husband feels quite differently. He likes an Altoid or twenty when he sits at his desk in his office. He doesn't however bring each empty container home as it's finished, but accumulates them and "surprises" me with a bagful.
I can't quite put my finger on what it is about these boxes that I find so endearing, but I love them. So much so that I have them stacked on a favorite cake plate on a dresser at the edge of our bed. Now that I've confessed that, I realize how odd that is, but I'm not planning on relocating them to a spot that makes more sense. Though that begs the question," What exactly is the right spot for an empty Altoids container collection?"
No matter. I'm happy to lay on pillow at night and peer through the slats of the bed at my mini mountain of Altoids tins.


  1. Funny that you would talk about this today - I went to a thrift store last week and found a large ziploc full of altoid tins and pill bottles - with BEADS in them! I was as excited about the tins as I was about the $2 bag of beads!
    I haven't a clue what I will do with the tins, but I did sort the beads and added them to my bead drawer.

  2. You are toooooooo funny. I have a few in my studio to hold thingys that need a little box. I enjoy your site. Regards from Canada.

  3. We have mints in tins here in Australia (a little different) and I looooove the tins. They're cute and maybe one day I will need a little container to put a little something in. Maybe. Or maybe I just need a drawerful of them to look at. (You're not strange at all!)

  4. You must not have any cats, or else your mountain of tins would be scattered all over the floor! But I understand the attraction to them... great for storing safety pins, beads, odds & ends of flotsam and jetsam!

  5. Altoid tins on a cake pan - I love it!!! I store my yarn cakes in my kitchen china cabinet. Now, that's strange!

  6. Malka, my mom is the same way, except her love extends to any small metal tin, and she uses them to store things: paper clips, dental flos, needles, sugar packets, almonds. She always has 5 or 6 in her purse. Thanks for sharing. Danielle

  7. They are cute little guys! There are tons of tutorials on the web for making fun things out of them. I think you should randomly scatter them around the house, so people are always finding one hidden, like Easter eggs. Open the medicine cabinet, there's one. Go to get a can of soup, there's another one. You could put little notes in them like "you are loved".

  8. that's the perfect use for them. I can tell the tins look at home. And they must be a little sentimental because they're from your significant other . . . I like 'em 'cause they have that vintage edge about them.
