Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Green:: Day Three

This may be green day #3, but it's also Wednesday. And that means that it's the day we get our weekly Greenling delivery. Greenling is this amazing service that works with a host of local organic farms and producers of other grocery products to bring these items to your front door. We get the local produce box and I just love it. We've done the basket from the local farm thing before and, while the quality of the produce was great, the variety left something to be desired. The problem with relying on just one farm is that if they're harvesting turnips week after week, that's what you're getting. This is not the case with Greenling. Because they buy from several local farms I get something completely new every week and I get fabulous "unique" items I haven't gotten before in farm baskets. These items aren't super exotic, but they're unusual for farm baskets. For instance I get grapefruit and oranges and apples. Today I got avocados. How great is that? I still get greens,onions, tomatoes...all the ususal basket fare. And, of course, I also receive veggies which are not part of our usual diet like kohlrabi, but new is good too, right?
Lately, Wednesday has taken on a whole new luster because it's the day the Greenling truck comes.


  1. There are several such services in Los Angeles and I used to use one. I loved it, too! I forced myself to really try new things, got new recipes, ate different foods, had a real adventure of it! I eventually had to quit for financial reasons, but maybe I will start back up again. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. my sister gets greenling deliveries too, and i had THE BEST avocado ever from them. yum!

  3. I live in Austin too! I'm going to look them up right now.
