Monday, April 6, 2009

A Quiet Nod

I've been a little remiss in mentioning a recent bit of good news. It's not been out of some desire or need to keep the news to myself. It's all because my local Bookstop went out of business. Last December when my article and quilt were featured on the pages of Quilting Arts magazine I gauged the timing of my blog announcement about this by whether or not the magazine had made an appearance at my local Bookstop bookstore. A few weeks ago, Bookstop, really a mini Barnes and Noble, was permanently closed and so was my nearest, a mere two minutes away, bookstore. Now, it's not as if there are no other bookstores in the Austin area. There are plenty. But, each one is at least 10-15 minutes away and requires a bit more effort to get to. None of these other stores are so convenient that I can just pop into them on a whim. So, it's been a boon for Amazon and pretty much a bust for me in terms of keeping up with when the next issue of Quilting Arts hits the newsstands. All this is my convoluded way of saying: 1. I've got a new article in the latest issue of Quilting Arts and 2. Thank you to those of you who have so sweetly emailed your congratulations and therefore informed me that the issue is available.

The focus of this article is crafting with what I call "low volume" fabrics, that is graphic prints combined with whites and neutrals. I think I've mentioned before that I periodically need to take a break from the intense colors of hand dyes and work with fabrics that help me focus on different design elements.

This may sound silly, but it's almost cleansing to focus my attention in such a distinctly different way.


  1. I am off to buy myself a copy. Congrats!

  2. So here's the truth. I know nothing about quilting, but I clicked onto your site because google told me to. Well, not google, per se of course, but the notes on blogger that suggested clicking to "next blog".

    So here I am and I'm glad I came. Your blog is amazingly beautiful, and as a person who recently had one little article published in a little magazine, I could identify in a micro-cosmic way way, with this post.

    Lovely, lovely, lovely place to visit. I'll send my sister-in-law and mother-in-law who actually do know something about this art.

    The power of other people's ideas to inspire, even if the field of interest is different, is awesome. There has to be a word for that effect - transposition? trickle-down creativity? Whatever it is, thank you for the inpiration!

  3. I love your stuff! My husband has instructions for some plexiglass shapes for me to start playing with my fabrics as you do! Thanks for the inspiration, great ideas and many congrats on a great article!

  4. Congratulations! You are such a rock star lately.

  5. I think I already told you this, but your low volume stuff holds a special place in my heart. I'm going to check out your new article! yay! -Rossie

  6. Oh drat! I was up at Joann Fabric tonight and didn't see the new one - of course, this store is closing and they're not getting new goodies in. I don't know what I'm going to do - I rely on them for my QA, the next nearest store is quite far. I guess it's time to break down and get a subscription! I'll go tomorrow and see where I can get the new issue, can't wait!

  7. I got my copy in the mail the other day and went "oh fun--I read her blog!" You did a lovely job on the article and I really love your design sensibility!

  8. Wow, a thousand congrats! I don't know if everyone's heard, but you're kind of a big deal. (paraphrasing Christian from Project Runway)

  9. Congratulations. Love the use of graphic prints. It is sad to see local stores closing. We need to support the local Mom and Pop shops, especially quilt stores. It's hard when the prices are higher but a splurge once in a while will keep them in business. Whenever I travel, I make it a must to visit quilt stores.

  10. Your article was my favorite part of that issue! You wrote with such clarity and detail, I found myself nodding and saying things like "Mmm.. yes, I see..." and "Oh! THAT makes sense!" Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and perspective!

  11. Very interesting idea -- taking a break from all that color. It's like resting without actually resting, because you are still making things. I love the idea, as I love to learn abotu people's processes.

    Congrats on the print!

  12. Terrific pillows and such fun color combinations!

  13. hey congrats...your work is such an inspiration. we can't get enough.

  14. Congratulations! I really enjoyed the article, and have in fact started looking for more neutral fabric since reading it, which is amazing as I tend to go for as much and as saturated colour as possible!

  15. Love your blog and I'm going to have to find a copy of that mag in Australia somehow...

  16. Hi Malka,

    How neat to run across the orginator of some of my favorite Quilting Arts features! I saw the recent issue in the library, and will be checking the stands for it next time I'm at a big bookstore. I'm a beginning quilter of sorts, and I love your work!

    From Middlebury, Vermont,


  17. I actually love your low volume work more than your high volume! I thought of you when I saw this blog post

    because the disappearing baskets quilt reminded me of you!

  18. Congratulations! I'm going to buy an issue tonight!

  19. low volume...that's an interesting idea. I usually use prints and patterns....but always end up looking for somthing with a pattern but that reads as a solid, when the eye rests so does the brain.

  20. Jacquie, thanks for always give me (us) good issues, news or links or whatever to learn and more learn about quilting. 'Low volume' I have the name for my lots of 'off white' color on top that hasn't yet to quilt next week (it's my first quilt for Project Improv long,long days ago that I've left behind after finishing the top..haha...).
    Btw, I've already finished my 3 first bee blocks if you have time to just take a look at it and maybe give me some advice..Good luck with the show, Jacquie. Sorry too much writing here...

  21. blast from the past. found this post linked at a mention of Low Volume. And now I'm wondering did you coin the term? It's sort of snuck up on me in my reading of quilt blogs and looking at listings on fabric shops (which I do a lot!) Low Volume seems a really big thing in Modern Quilting now, and I did wonder where it first came in. so I think you are the earliest mention I've seen!

    I love your work. Sorry for the rather random comment!

