Monday, May 18, 2009

Inside Out Mini Monday

My original design for this week's mini quilt was thwarted by how much I liked the side with all the seams. This isn't the first time I've noticed and enjoyed the "wrong" side, but it is the first time I changed everything to highlight it.

What really sold me on the idea of featuring the raw edge side was the way the seams looked. I can be lazy sometimes about changing thread and at the time I was starting to piece this quilt, I was using an orange thread both as bobbin and top thread. I found that I really liked the way the orange contrasted with the whites and other light colored fabrics and how it emphasized the lines of the concentric piecing.

Once I decided that I was going to feature the raw edges, I realized I had a second design question to ponder. Did I want the top to look like the underside of a quilt, meaning that the fabric shown was always from the wrong side? I actually didn't want that. So, I had to piece all the blocks with wrong sides facing to make sure that the "right" side of the fabric faced out. Sound confusing?

When I stitched with my own hand dyed fabrics or with whites and solid linens, the right side/wrong side issue wasn't really present. But when I used commercial prints, I really had to pay attention because, after years of sewing with the right sides together, doing the opposite is no easy feat.

I also went back and forth about how to quilt and bind this little quilt and, in the end, decided to go with simple stitching in white thread. I wanted the quilting to be there, but not overt. The choice of binding fabric was partly dictated by the orange thread used to piece the top and partly influenced by my plan to photograph the quilt against a gray background. Orange and gray do look awfully good together, don't they?


  1. what a fun mini quilt! i can imagine that it would be very hard to sew it inside out. and i love orange and grey together, too. nice job!

  2. Hello Malka,

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  3. SO COOL! I love the "wrong" side look.

  4. Very cool! I did an orange pile (op) challenge on Pat Sloan's group and have learned I really love orange accents! Looks great on yours.

  5. Hi
    You are so creative.
    What a fun idea. I like that the quilt becomes three dimensional, if that make sense

  6. I LOVE the texture this gives the piece! I may have to explore using this in a project I'm working on, I really love the way it looks here! Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. I love it when a revelation just hits you in the face. I too use leftovers of different bobbins colors because I'm lazy but now I have an reason to do so.

  8. The colors and texture are great together, makes me want a big one on my bed!

  9. Interesting! I was actually worried half way through that the right sides of the pretty fabrics would be facing into the batting! Good thing you fixed it!

  10. Very innovative and original, really wonderful!


  12. Oh how I love mini-quilt Mondays. It's such a great way to try out new techniques.

  13. Mondays were once dreaded and loathed, now I look forward to mini quilt Mondays. Yeay Monday!

  14. Nice textures. The orange binding with the orange "seams" was an excellent choice.

  15. It's so important to be able to run with your inspiration, no matter where it takes you.
    Andi :-)

  16. Malka--I received the book last night about 7:00 p.m.!!! Love it---spend all evening reading/looking/getting inspired. I have 2 more days of school, and then I think I'll be sewing all summer vacation!

    Love your Monday quilt this week, too.

  17. this is genius!!! I also fall in love with the back of projects sometimes, especially embroidery. great idea!!

  18. What a wonderful experiment with greatest result! Love to see all your quilting experiences!

  19. Gwen Marston says that one of the joys in working with SOLIDS is that they don't have a wrong side! So for those who want to try this inside-out idea--maybe solids is the way to start. You would have no worry about the "right" side.

  20. Wonderful. How do you finish your bindings?

  21. I've just come across you via flickr and I'm so pleased! Your work is very inspiring and I'd love to know how long you've been quilt-making and what your background is - is there anything on line?!

  22. Go get your award over at my blog!!

    p.s. I love the inside out quilt...very creative!

  23. love, love, LOVE this idea! it is perfectly inspiring and i totally understand. swoon!

  24. Lol! I think sewing "inside out" would be really hard to do! Lovely, lovely quilt. I am really enjoying mini quilt Mondays. Any minute now I'm going to join in.

  25. Hi fellow Austin-ite! Love your blog. Just found it via Wee Wonderfuls. :)

  26. I'm definitely a raw edge kind of girl. Your work looks fabulous with a raw edge!! The texture and depth is amazing!
