Monday, June 1, 2009

Mini Quilt Monday...kinda, almost, sort of...

It is and it isn't. It is because actually I have a fully formed mini quilt to show, but it isn't because the aforementioned quilt is mostly a repeat of a design I've already featured. It is because I did design something new and it is mini, but I opted to turn the top into a pillow rather than leave it a mini quilt.
So here are my sorta, kinda, almost,maybe mini quilts for this first Monday in June.

The "real" mini quilt is just another version of the patches mini quilt I've shown here before. This one is made out of some undyed cottons and linens and bits from a Moda jelly roll. I've never sewn with a jelly roll before, though I've eaten my fair share of them, but I made this quilt as a class sample for a mini quilt class I'll be teaching this summer at a local store, Sew Much More. The class isn't until August, but I needed to make the sample for publicity purposes.

The folks at Sew Much More just started stocking fabric along with an amazing array of sewing machines and accessories, so they wanted me to make the sample with material they carry.

This is the other half of my nearly mini Monday offerings. As a disclaimer, let me say, that I had every intention of crafting this design into a proper mini quilt Monday piece. Unfortunately, to paraphrase Mick Jagger," Time was not on my side."

So, I made a pillow instead. It's still mini, just not quite as two dimensional. And, like the patches design, you'll probably be seeing more of it.


  1. Love the "mini" quilts you have made! I particularly like the circle design. Really lovely work! Inspirational.


  2. Looks great! wish I were in Austin to take you class--and I can't wait to buy your book! Just got some plexiglass to play with discharging some fabric, we'll see how I do!

  3. Hi Malka! I decided today was the day to treat myself to a new beading magazine but when I saw your pillow staring at me from the shelf I couldn't resist buying the spring 09 Stitch magazine. My daughter fell asleep in the stroller 5 minutes from home as always so I sat in the lobby at the bottom of the stairs of my apartment building and read some of the magazine while she slept. I love the Pi pillow. I have learned a ton about sewing from this magazine already and I can't wait to try one or two of the projects. =)

  4. Hi! I love your quilts and your fabric! I have just made a little quilt from fabric I bought from your Etsy shop. Anne :-)

  5. Love this little pillow as much as all your others.

  6. Love! love!! love!!!! your blog and all your fabulous monday mini quilts! What an inspiration!

  7. Malka, I just love this project. It really does give inspiration to try and finish up something small over the weekend and post it Monday. The group is so inspiring! Thank you so much for starting it up...

  8. LOve everything...the pillow is great...I wasn't expecting it, but it's perfect for miniquilt blocks!

  9. That pillow is just fantastic! Really good stuff.

  10. I love your designs and colours, especially the lime!
