Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July Comes in with a Bang

...and I'm not just talking about the fireworks that will shoot off across the country this Saturday night. Everyplace, except here,probably. Because we're in the midst of a drought, and there's a burn ban, and we've had a string of 100+ degree days, and that's not just 100 or 1o1, but 1o6 and 1o8 degrees. It is too dang hot here for fireworks!
But, I digress. Must be heat stress. The bang I'm referring to has to do with exciting goings on for both my family and my blog.
My family news has to do with my eldest daughter, Sarah. I've mentioned before that we are a swimming people and that certainly holds true for her. Well, she is off tomorrow to Israel to swim for the US team at the 18th Maccabiah Games. She is one of 12 females and 12 males to be selected for this team. She is so excited and, well, so am I. The US team is particularly strong this year because this guy is swimming on the team. Remember him from Beijing?
Me being me, this momentous occasion prompted a wee bit of crafting. Sarah's not big on photography, but even she had to admit that she should get a camera and take a few shots. Naturally, I felt that her camera was a bit naked without the appropriate pouch.

I used a cute Japanese print and some beads I bought at Quilt Festival a few years ago to sew up this case. She seems to like it.
The sweet fabric, purchased through an independent retailer is a good segway to my July's bang for my blog. I have a new sponsor, Runner Girl Fabric and she carries some amazing fabric in her online store. For instance, check this print out. And this one . Runner Girl Fabric also carries Anna Maria Horner's Good Folks line as well as loads of great Amy Butler prints and Heather Ross's designs for Kokka. My suggestion is that you dash(cute pun, huh?) on over to Runner Girl Fabric and take a look for yourself. You won't even have to break a sweat. Isn't the internet grand?


  1. Congratulations to your daughter and her proud parents. That's quite the honour.

  2. How exciting! Swimming is my favorite thing to watch during the Olympics - good luck to your daughter!

  3. Congratulations on your daughter's wonderful achievement! She is about to embark on a great journey - wish her well! I am going to check out Runner Girl fabrics right now! Thanks for the link!

  4. Oh... CONGRATULATIONS! to you and your daughter! How amazing is that? Really?! And in Israel?! What an incredible life moment. It is just something to birth and then raise these incredible spirits, isn't it?

  5. How exciting! My cousin was in charge of something or another with the Maccabiah Games in Canton, Ohio. Best of luck to your daughter.

  6. Congratulations. What a wonderful honor after so much work! Wishing her a safe trip and successful swim times :) BTW - really enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  7. Congratulations and good luck to Sarah. My son Noah is desperate to play soccer at the Maccabiah games, but since he's only 10 he may have a while to be selected - if at all!

    What a cute little camera case for her to take with too. Going to check out Runner Girl...

    Great to find your blog...I'll be back :-) Karen x

  8. Catching up on some bloggy reading! How exciting for your daugther and famiy! My cousin played basketball for the Canadian team some years back and just moved there last year!
