Monday, July 27, 2009

Postcards and Placemats

My vacation is over and though I did pretty well in posting my pictures to my flickr page, I didn't quite keep up with things here. If you're interested in seeing some more of the images I shot in Israel both of the Maccabiah Swim Competition and of places we visited they're up here .
I hate to repeat a tired old cliche, but as fun as it is to go away, there's no place like home. This is especially true because, though I brought a knitting project with me and I find taking photographs a creative process, I couldn't sew a stitch while I was gone. Sometimes you don't even realize how important a given activity is to your well being until it's not there. Maybe I need some kind of twelve step program to tackle this "addiction"? Or maybe I just need a new project? I like the sound of that second one.
This project isn't exactly new as I'd started it before I left on vacation. But, it's practically finished and has helped ease me back into my favorite spot opposite my sewing machine.

I've made several other items for this customer all out out her seemingly bottomless collection of Oilily fabrics. These are a set of eight placemats made like my mini patches quilts and featuring rounded corners.

Currently there are only six, but the remaining two are almost done and the whole order will be able to go out this week.

It's not unusual for me to leave parts of a project undone from one day to the next. I actually find that it's easier to get into the rhythm of working if I can pick up something familiar, something I don't have to figure out from the very beginning. So, this project has been a good way to transition back to my everyday life. It's been a nice way to remind myself how much I like doing what I do.


  1. These mats are really beautiful Malka.
    Welcome home.
    Andi :-)

  2. I know its fun to travel but it feels so good to be home. The placemats are really cute. Nice mix of colors and patterns.

  3. The place mats are beautiful. What size do you make the squares for this mini size? Glad you had a great vacation! Peggy

  4. I agree, though it's nice to go, there's no place like home!

    Love the placemats. A good project to get yourself going!

  5. Addiction? That's crazy talk, you just need a new project : )

  6. I also arrived back just recently from a vacation in Israel and although it's really lovely seeing family and friends there's nothing quite like the feeling of coming home and knowing your material stash is close at hand!

  7. Do you know where your friend finds Oilily fabric? It's gorgeous-- I used to wear Oilily as a kid.

  8. Hi!

    I'm from Portugal and I have been visiting your blog for some time now.

    I'm just getting started in the patchwork world and its endless possibilites... and I'm already addicted, so I know what you mean.

    I REALLY loved the placemats you posted. They are just wonderful!!! the colour, the pattern, everything about them is great!

    welcome back and cya! ***

  9. I love the mats. The fabric is really cute and looks so good together.

  10. Hmmm... "addiction" versus "therapy." I'm thinking you're seriously healthy human being. I'm sorry to bug you, but would you mind telling me where you bought your light box? I remember you posting about it some time back, but can't find it. I am tearing my hair out, and spending waaaaay too much time trying to take pics for etsy and my blog with bad lighting. I'm ready to drop some dough to remedy the situation. Help!!!!

  11. Oh... and I forgot to mention... I'm doing a giveaway for my blog birthday this week... all you have to do is leave a commment. Come visit if you'd like!

  12. when i travel i HAVE to have a project, or i go crazy. addiction may be the right word, but it would be nice to have positive spin on that. :)

  13. The placemats are gorgeous! I love all the beautiful colors.

    I'm glad you had a nice vacation. It's nice to get away and come home renewed and appreciative of our homes and crafts.
