Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Color Your Cloth Today

Today's the day, the official publication date for my book, Color Your Cloth: A Quilter's Guide to Dyeing and Patterning Fabric. Yay!
I've taken some inside views of the book as well as the front and back cover and listed the copies I have for sale in my shop.

I'm planning a giveaway for later this week and I've got a few online helpers to giveaway books as well as present some amazing projects crafted from hand dyed fabric. There might even be a free pattern in there to get your creative juices flowing.
If you're local, I have two book events scheduled in the next few weeks and I'll give more details closer to the dates.
In the meantime, I've got a few inside peaks of the book to share and a big thank you to send out. I can't tell you how much your support and interest have meant to me. Before I discovered the world of blogs and flickr I often felt like I was creating in a vacuum. I couldn't really stop making things because that was so much a part of who I am, but other than the occasional show I didn't really have any one to share my creative ventures with. And that's a two sided activity. I didn't have a venue to display my work and I wasn't fed and excited by seeing other people's work because, like the opportunities to show my work, seeing other people's creations only happened once in a while.
All that's changed and I'm very glad. I hope to inspire, but I am, without a doubt, inspired by all the creativity I see now on a daily basis. So, thanks very much for that.


  1. congratulations on your new book. that's very exciting!

  2. Congratulations!!! Must feel so good to have it officially available. Have a great week.

  3. Your book looks amazing! Love the cover shot :) Congratulations!!

  4. Congratulations - you inspire me every time I see your work!

  5. Congratulations on this beautiful showcase of your work.

  6. Your book looks really interesting. I'm looking forward to having a few more peeks inside in the coming days. Congratulations.

  7. Congratulations - and how wonderfully exciting!

  8. Your book is just beautiful. Congratulations. My hubby was just laid off or I would be buying it. For now, I'll have to put it on my wish list. Good luck. You're such a wonderful dyer and artist, I know it will do well.

  9. congrats on a lovely looking book

  10. I just received your book from amazon and I am delirious just reading the Intro! Many congrats (and I love the comment about phys. ed!!)

  11. Well done Malka, you are truly deserving...I can't wait to get my hands on your book:) tam xo

  12. I am so excited for you and can't wait to get a copy of your book. Congratulations, you deserving person you.....

  13. Congratulations! That is so exciting!

    Jennifer :)

  14. How exciting! I will be in Austin soon, maybe I'll get to attend a signing.

  15. Very exciting! Congratulations on your well deserved accomplishment! I really look forward to seeing the book in person. Your work is always a treat for the eyes!

  16. It looks really really wonderful! Congratulations!

  17. Congratulations on your book. You are a huge inspiration to us all.

  18. Mazal Tov on your book! so exciting. I love your colours.

  19. mazel tov!! now everyone, not just the people that read your blog can see how talented you are!

  20. Huge, major, delighted congratulations on your magnificent accomplishment!!

  21. YOU are such an inspiration! I "need" your book - already have the clamps and circles. . . just need the 'know how' Congrats!

  22. Congratulations Malka! What a wonderful achievement. We're all so happy you are sharing.

  23. Many Many Many congratulations...like having a baby a bit huh? Enjoy all that goes with the excitement...and keep blogging!


    I love reading your blog. It is very inspirational :)


  25. Congratulations! the sneak-peaks look great!

    and as a local I must admit I've been hoping you teach a good hands-on class in the area sometime so we can try the techniques with you! I'm one who would sign up right away! Just thought I'd put that out there. :)

  26. Fantastic news and the book looks like it's going to be great! I wish you much success with it!

  27. Congrats Malka! I am sure your book is lovely! Can't wait to see it.

  28. congratulations on your book... amazing!

  29. How absolutely wonderful. Congrats and relish the fact that you are no longer creating in a vacuum!
    Looks like a gorgeous book.

  30. Congrats! Your book looks so colorful I want to eat it!

  31. Congratulations on your book!
    I will get my hands on it at some point! My birthday is coming up so I have my fingers crossed!

  32. Hello !

    I happened to stumble across your blog and I just love everything on it ! I am going to buy your book for sure ! I can't wait. You do an amazing job, everything is beautiful !


  33. Cool blog you got here. It would be great to read a bit more about that topic. Thnx for posting that information.
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  34. Congrats on your book! More power and may you write more books. Congratulations again!
