Tuesday, January 12, 2010

As Easy as it Looks

It's been cold here. Every time I turn on the news I hear about how cold it is in Florida and how unusual that kind of extreme cold is. Well, it has been cold like that here, except we're not getting nearly as much coverage.
This unusual drop in temperatures prompted us to bring out a little something extra to make sitting in our newly painted living room, complete with now-filled aquarium(though no fish yet) more pleasant.

You might remember this quilt from the post that featured it on my daughter's bed and..oh...the cover of my book. Now it's gracing the couch along with a new pillow or two and it looks good there. So good that I'm not returning it to my middle's bed even though the thermometer isn't dipping quite so low.
Actually, seeing the quilt on the couch and, more importantly, cuddling underneath it, reminded me that I still had a few leftover blocks from the quilt's initial making.
It took a while to find them and there were only three, so I decided a fourth block was needed.

I've thought about the "rejected" block off and on since I made the quilt and came up with several ideas of how to incorporate them into something else. But these plans were rejected as well. It took seeing the finished quilt laid out to realize that the best solution was also the simplest.

I quilted the pillow top in the same pattern I used for the quilt and then selected the backing fabric.

It was only after I'd started attaching the zipper to the backing that it dawned on me that the pattern in the fabric mimicked the quilting pattern on the pillow top. All the parts just seemed to fit together easily.
I wish I could figure out how to make that happen all the time.


  1. Malka, i love that quilt! it showcases your fabrics beautifully - but you already knew that. i also give all my finished quilts to my kiddos and then want to use them. And your pillow with the one gray block is just brilliant.

  2. So very gorgeous!!!
    Your work always makes me smile.
    Andi :-)

  3. Incredibly beautiful, both the quilt and pillow. LOVE the way you quilted it.

  4. Perfect pillow to accompany your beautiful quilt! I am so happy with the pretty pillow I bought from you! You're such an inspiration...

  5. The quilt is gorgeous and looks right at home on your sofa. The pillow is the perfect compliment!

  6. It looks great! I often lament that my hand work doesn't give the texture that machine quilting does.

  7. Your freshly painted room is really coming together. Love it! It will be hot in a few months, then we'll have something new to talk about!

  8. Hello, I'd like to let you know. My friend got your book for me! It is awesome!! I can't wait to try everything myself!!!!

  9. Nice sunshine colors against the grey sofa. Welcome addition to this cloudy day!

  10. The pillow is beautiful. The quilt too :o)!

  11. Is that a free-motion quilting pattern or another fancy Bernina stitch?

  12. I love this block with your fabrics. so striking! It inspired me to get to work on the little charm pack of your fabrics. The largest block that I could get is about 5 1/2" square. i will put 4 together with perhaps a border. I have put a picture of the first block on my blog.

  13. I love to check your blog daily to see what you're working on. Beautiful work!!!

  14. That's such a beautiful quilt, and the pillows are great! Your fabrics are like none other!

  15. Absolutely beautiful! Love the bright colors and the simple pattern. Cool quilting too!

  16. The quilt idea is lovely.We all have to learn how to mix and match and recycle and create new environments out of the ordinary from the very mundane.
