Sunday, April 4, 2010

Where have I been?

I've been...

...getting ready for Passover.

...baking macaroons. Especially because I promised myself we wouldn't eat those sad, tasteless, canned things that masquerade as macaroons.

...running a little behind on the roll out of my Citrus Bundle Kits. I've had to move the launch to April 6 because I ran out of blank fabric and had to order more.

...going to the second annual Funky Chicken Coop Tour.

...putting together a little tutorial for Sew, Mama, Sew's April Quilt Month. Check out my post here on April 6.


  1. Chag sameach.
    Your macaroons look delish!!

  2. I would *love* to know your macaroon recipe ... those tin-can ones just can't compare to fresh!

  3. I'm putting my holiday stuff away now -- what a lot of work!

    Have you ever made Mina -- Sephardic Passover meat pie or "lasagna?" it's good, but it needs interesting middle eastern herbs & spices or it's bland. Wetted matzohs substitute for noodles or crust.

    Back to the Potholder channel...

  4. Uh - macaroon recipe, please, Malka! I'd love a reliable one.
