Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Baby it's cold in here

I have an air conditioner and I'm not afraid to use.
Heck, I want you to come over and enjoy it with me.
My new air conditioner is in my formerly un-airconditioned garage also known as my dye space. Now it's just a standing unit and, because the doors are open, it really works best if you're standing close to it, but, it makes a HUGE difference.
While you're enjoying the newly conditioned air, you can also be learning how to dye fabric like I did in this quilt.

The technique is called itajime and I've used it to create patterns on fabric in a bunch of my quilts and pillows.
On August 15, my air conditioner and I are hosting a workshop to teach this technique to folks who live or will be in Austin, Texas. I've posted all the info here, so check it out if you're interested.

Also, there's still space in my Dyeing to Learn Batik workshop happening this Sunday, July 25.

Bye for now!


  1. Can I skype in from Melbourne?
    (Where currently the word 'air conditioner' is BANNED!!! Too cold!!!)
    Andi x

  2. OH NO!! I SO want to learn to do that! I had such a great time at the Batik class and absolutely love your Twinkle quilts but 'll be in California that weekend. I really hope you do it again. Good luck, glad you got some cool air in there.

  3. I would love to attend your class. I love the little circle quilt.

  4. Cute!

    We live in Arizona now and we HEART air conditioners!

  5. Just found your blog and I am in love with your work. Beautiful!!!

  6. Beautiful quilt! Western New York might make for quite the drive. ;-)

  7. I wish Idaho was much closer to Texas then the three day trip we made three years ago. I would be at that class if only for that drive. I'm so jealous of anyone in the local area that can attend the class.

  8. Yeah. Austin. I have a swamp cooler. You wanna come here? At least I'm closer than Sally. A little closer. Sigh.
