Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Don't Even Know Where to Begin

But, I'm going to take Julie Andrews advice and,"start at the very beginning," because it's actually a very good place to start. I have been super busy the last week. Correction. I have been super busy for weeks, but last week I was super busy in Cleveland, Ohio. This can't possibly come as a shock to anyone because is there any other way to be in Cleveland? But, I was particularily busy in Cleveland taping a couple segments of Quilting Arts TV.

The lovely and talented Judy Coates Perez took this shot of me on the TV in the green room during my taping. The segments will appear in next season's Quilting Arts TV.
I also shot a little promotional video for my new book. See it over there! I am really excited for you all to see it.
The busyness continues, albeit in Austin rather than Cleveland. As I've mentioned before, I'm going to be a vendor at the Austin Area Quilt Guild Show, September 17-19. I should mention that I'll only be at the show on Friday, September 17 and Sunday, September 19. As anyone who owns a Jewish calendar already knows, Saturday, September 18 is Yom Kippur. I have arranged for my very crafty neighbor to run my booth. So, stop by on Friday or Sunday to say hello to me or Saturday to meet Rachel the neighbor. Either way, I hope you'll make it down to the Palmer Events Center because I'm making quite a few new things just for the show.

Loads of stitch in dye bundles.

My Patches Camera Straps.

Quarter yard pieces of my hand dyed and patterned fabric.

Add to these items, I'll have copies of all my patterns plus a new, amazingly professional version of my Strips and Bricks quilt pattern. I'll also be debuting the coaster kits I mentioned previously and showing off some of my favorite quilts, including The Cupcake Quilt.
And, frankly, much more.
So, if you live in Austin, or nearby, or are planning on visiting Austin, you should definitely stop by and not just because I'm giving away two free tickets. Oh, I guess I hadn't mentioned that. Well, aren't you glad you stuck with this post. Yes, indeed, the lovely folks at the Austin Area Quilt Guild have given me two free tickets to this once-every-two-years event to giveaway to one of you. Leave a comment and I'll announce a winner on Sunday, September 12.


  1. Congratulations on your TV stardom!
    Shana Tova.
    Andi x

  2. Now I'm even more disappointed that the Austin show is over Yom Kippur. Too hard to get there and back on Sunday. Rats! Shana Tova

  3. I'm so excited about the Quilt Show! I'll definitely be stopping by your booth for a bundle.

  4. i will be in austin but not until november to visit my son and lovely wife. i am hoping that i will maybe be able to meet you or something. i love your book on batiking...havent gotten the wax melted yet but getting there. have a successful weekend at the show and oh, congratulations of QA TV. i love jc perez, aint she something else!

  5. It was a busy week in Cleveland. I read Victoria Gertenbach's post as well.

    Happy New Year!

  6. I could really use these hand dyes in my stash....love your sense of color.
    Thank you for that.

  7. My brother lives in Austin. I don't know how excited he will be when I ask him to drop by the quilt show and pick up something for me. But I will ask him. :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Very exciting! Congrats on all the good busy-ness!

  10. I really wish that our paths had crossed while in Cleveland, as I would have greatly enjoyed being able to meet you in person! Congrats on your newest book, and hope the Austin show is fabulous! (My sister lives in Austin, but she expresses herself in song, not stitch.)

  11. Wow, lots of excitment. Congrats on your book and on the tv show and all of it! Sorry I can't come to Austin from Germany, so don't count me in on the tickets. Have fun! oh, and I'm looking forward to sharing with you some malka-inspired patchwork.

  12. I would LOVE to go as your esteemed guest!! I am looking forward to seeing your beautiful work in person.

  13. Wow, congratulations on the book and tv show! I wish I was remotely close to Austin to have a browse through your booth, looks like it will have lots of treasures.

  14. I think I *have* to go to the quilt show now to see some of your beautiful things in person.

  15. Very exciting! I'll try to come by the quilting show next weekend; I really enjoy your blog and your work. Inspiring!

  16. Under the wire here, but thought I'd try anyway -- I would love to win the tickets!
