Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Slow and Steady

That's what wins the race, right?
It better be because that's the pace I seem to be working at when it comes to this quilt.
Here's today's progress shot:
My deadline is November 30, actually the 29th because I already made an appointment with my long arm machine buddy to quilt it. That actually helps because nothing gets my butt in gear like a deadline.
In the meantime, I'm going to be quilting another large top next week and writing up a new quilt pattern. I'm super stoked about this design and I hope you all will be too. Also, I'm slowly adding samples that I've made for various magazines and books to my Etsy store. Yesterday, I uploaded these:
 Tomorrow, I've got at least one more pillow to add and maybe some potholders and a Strips and Bricks quilt. Check Ye Olde Etsy Shoppe if you think you might be interested.


  1. I'm a terrible procrastinator so a deadline is a good thing!
    Your quilt is looking great, keep up the good work.

  2. What a lovely bright quilt. I'm loving the colours very much.

  3. Love this quilt. Your new book looks fresh and pretty.Would you like to trade for Noriko Endo's book and do a giveaway on the blogs?It's fun. Linda at Dragon

  4. Thanks for this "slow and steady" post. The quilt looks wonderful!
