Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday, Monday

Remember hearing The Mamas and the Papas sing that song? Yeah, neither do I. I wasn't even born yet. But it is Monday and I've listened to enough oldies stations to at least be familiar with that song, so there you have it.
What today's post may lack in pictures it more than makes up for in shameless self-promotion, but, before I get to that, I need to announce the winner of the fabric/pattern giveaway. I've always loved the way they announce the Olympic gold medal winners as "Your Olympic Champion", sort of like we can lay personal claim to this person. So, in keeping with that spirit, Your Giveaway Winner is...Ally!!

Ally commented:
Thanks for the giveaway! Love Solids and never have enough!

Congratulations Ally! Email me at and I'll see to it that your fabric, pattern, and gold medal arrive faster than Micheal Phelps can swim the 200 meter butterfly despite his goggles filling with water.
On to the self-promotion part of our show. The earlier radio reference was actually pretty apt because I'm going to be interviewed on the radio. Not exactly the radio, it's actually a live internet radio show called Creative Mojo with Mark Lipinski. The show happens every Wednesday at 3:00 EST and runs for two hours. My segment is scheduled for this Wednesday, January 19 from 4:28-4:40 EST. I've been told though that I'm supposed to be available via my phone line throughout the two hours, so I guess you shouldn't try to call me then. You can listen to the show live at Toginet Radio ( by clicking on the listen live button on the right-hand side of the page. Obviously, my appearance is supposed to promote my book and I would expect that the questions will be about sewing, quilts, fabric...all the things you and I love to chat about. The show does have a call-in component, so I would love to hear from one of my super-wonderful blog readers.
Also, I'm having another book event this Saturday at a new local space, Walker Hall Design. This place is new to Austin, but has features carries some beautiful fabrics as well as amazingly crafted home furnishings and home decor items, many by local artists. The signing is at 2:00 and I'd love to see you there. The store is located in the wee little shopping center behind the Tavern on Lamar. Remember, the Tavern is air conditioned (local joke, don't fret if you don't get it).
Due to personal prohibition #1,362,175, I cannot press publish without some kind of visual, so here's one of my current WIPs:
 A soon-to-be twin sized Twinkle Quilt


  1. Love your WIP and congrats on the live internet radio segment. I wanted to let you know I got your new book this weekend. I was so excited to find it. It is awesome (LOVE IT).

  2. Awesome! I need to check out Walker Hall Design soon.

  3. Hey! I resemble that remark!
    I DO remember listening to that song. In fact, I started humming it as soon as I read today's blog title.

    I love your website anyway, even if you are a hatchling, while I, pushing 60, am older than dirt. (Being older isn't so bad. You babies missed the beginning of rock and roll, and there ain't nuthin' better than 60s rock.)

  4. Okay yesterday I saved this picture, but today I'm taking another look. What's the idea? Are the circles bleached onto these fabrics or what......that's fascinating !

  5. I simply love your style (and your writing style, btw)...Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Love your dottie quilt! Great colors!
