Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Sewing Room

With the help of a couple of wonderful readers I have discovered the holy grail. OK, maybe not the holy grail, but definitely what looks to be the Ravelry-like site for sewers I've been harping on about. It's called My Sewing Circle and it's not even a year old, but it seems to have all the features that I think make Ravelry so great. Every user has a "sewing room" where they can organize their projects, tools, fabrics, even keep track of their friends and postings. Also, there's the ability to post patterns, free or otherwise, commercial or indy, and forums to discuss all manner of stitchy things. Like Ravelry and flickr, you can create a profile and link back to a website, blog, or flickr photostream. It's all super easy to use and I think the basis for the kind of sewing-based online community that knitters have over at Ravelry. People, our time may just have come.
I don't want to come across as too bossy and I probably need to control that a bit right now as I'm listening to Alison Weir's novel Innocent Traitor about the mind-bogglingly fast ascent and decline of Lady Jane Grey and could get swept away by all the Queens commanding this and that, but...I really want you all to take a gander at this site, maybe with a sewing friend or two, and consider joining this community.  If you do and you'd like to friend me, I'm stitchindye over there.
In honor of My Sewing Circle, I'm going to post a couple pictures from my real-life sewing room.
I'm working on a new version of my Strips and Bricks baby quilt. Unlike the first one, this one's focus is color. It's still composed of the same number of rectangles, in the same proportions and pieced the same way as the version described in my pattern. I just thought it might be fun to work it up in a completely different palette. I'll post more about my color choices and placement once I have it quilted.


  1. I have been looking for a site like this! Just joined and will be exploring this afternoon. Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. I just love the new quilt you are working on. The colors are amazing. I'm now off to check out "My Sewing Circle".

  3. I have always really like quilts that alternate cool/warm. This one is no exception! Thanks for the link...I'm afraid to find yet another online time suck, though!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. As always, I am amazed about the colors of your quilts, so bright and full or energy. I like it!

  6. I signed up and can't wait to look around. I love ravelry so hope it takes off.

  7. I am SO excited about finding this! As much as I love Ravelry, I think I'm going to love this way more.

  8. Love the baby quilt and I'm off to check out the site. Thanks for the info.

  9. Thanks for the info! I love Ravelry, and have often thought we should have one for quilters too!

  10. I love this version of this quilt! Great to know about the site too!

  11. Thanks for the tip about the sewing circle site.

    I joined ! But, it requires lots of time to upload projects and such, so I'll have to work on it a little at a time.

    I like the looks of your blog.........think I'll follow your goin's on for a bit.

  12. I was just saying to my partner the other day "the sewing world needs a site like Ravelry," and here it is! I plan on passing this information on to my sewing group. Thanks so much!

  13. Just signed up. I am going to explore the site soon. Love your colors by the way. oh, as always!

  14. Beautiful quilt as always!

    Signed up on the site! It looks fun so far, I will have to look around later tonight!

  15. Malka, I loved "Innocent Traitor"--if you like it, I highly recommend Weir's "Lady Elizabeth"--extremely well done. The reading on Philippa Gregory's "The Boleyn Inheritance" was also incredible.

    *takes off librarian hat* I love the colorful version of Strips and Bricks--always cool to see a pattern done in a completely different colorstory!

  16. Beautiful! Your quilts would be lovely as window coverings too, with the light shining through like in your photo!

  17. Absolutely gorgeous! I love the stained-glass effect when it's held up to the light!!

  18. I discovered Ravelry last week and can't stay off of it (I am a crocheter). After familiarizing myself with the Ravelry site I started wishing for something like this for me sewing quilts and other sewing projects. thanks for the tip. I am headed over now!!

  19. I just bought your pattern from Pink Chalk. Can't wait to get started. I bought some organic fabrics and hope to use those. I like both versions (cool and colorful) of your quilt.
