Friday, January 21, 2011

World Peace at Hand

Eureka! I have it. I think I know how to get everyone, and I mean everyone to get along. And, to prove my point, I'm going to try this experiment in my own home.
If you have the current issue of Stitch magazine then you've seen the feel good pillows I designed. If not, here they are:
I plan to use these for more than just cushioning my couch. They will be part of a grand experiment. In keeping with the scientific method, my hypothesis is that once placed in my living room these pillows will subliminally work their magic and put an end to bickering about borrowed clothes, arguments meant to hash out whose turn it is to wash the dishes, and all other sibling based disputes that I am expected to referee. These pillows will bring about the very virtues they extol.
If my experiment works I propose we, sewers of the world, set about making and placing similar pillows in our homes, the halls of Congress(really needed there), the UN, and anywhere else people feel the need to gripe at each other.
Who's with me?!


  1. I'm in! those pillows make me smile all the way up here in snowy freezing Winnipeg!

  2. I'm with you-let's bombard Congress with pillows - no blue or red pillows allowed!
    And I just got my copy of Stitch yesterday & love your pillows

  3. I'm in too. Just picked up a copy of magazine last night. Can't wait to make some pillows. Love the dresdens in your banner, what a great idea to set them on hexagons. Another project.

  4. I can't find this magazine here in the UK - would anyone be kind enough to send me one?? I would of course reimburse you

  5. i will take all the help i can get in that area! erin

  6. i will take all the help i can get in that area! erin

  7. Love those pillows. I'm all for world peace so I guess I should get busy.

  8. Peace pillows? I'm in! They sure are pretty!

  9. I'm so with you. If I only had your stash of colour magic!

  10. Certainly worth a try. Might take a BIG pillow though...

  11. I'm widdya Kid and if anything could bring peace to a place those amazing pillows would be it.

  12. Now that sounds like an idea. I sure could use it in my home.

  13. If they can end whining, I will put your name down for a Nobel prize. In the meantime they get a prize for making me feel good!

  14. I'm with you too!! They are so colorful and bright that transmit optimism!

  15. they were the first things i saw when i opened the magazine! love them, malka. but then, i always love your work. you have such an amazing eye for color and pattern.

  16. I think you've hit on the ultimate solution for little piece at a time - that should make the whole thing work!

  17. I read my copy of Stitch Friday night and just fell in love with tehse pillows. The colors are just amazing!

  18. Love the idea! Patchwork Pillows for Peace :)

  19. I will make a dozen pillows, if my family will quit arguing about who is going to sleep in which bed, who is going to take a bath first, etc. Yes, pillows for peace.

  20. Malka - I get Stitch AND American Craft, so imagine how fun it was to "connect the dots!" I am delighted to meet you and continue to explore the astounding new ideas in quilt design, fabrics, and textiles. Speaking of... I assume you know about "Selvedge"? If not, you must! Are you getting asked to do workshops all over the country yet? Put Portland OR on your agenda!

  21. I have an idea. I just ordered a bunch of fabric from you on ETSY, and it occurs to me one of my favorite designer shops should use your fabric. Check out "by Lwangslife" on ETSY. She is currently "on vacation" but her/their (?) stuff is wonderful, and made to order. Would love to see a collaboration!

  22. Hi Malka,
    I love these pillows. Would it be possible to feature them on a blog I've started for 009.Textiles, a company based out of West London? Its still in the beginning stages but the goal is to start a collaborative journal featuring textiles for interiors from around the world. You can check it out here.
