Friday, April 1, 2011

In which I am humbled by your kindness and start blabbing about other things

Wow! I have been blown away by the amazing show of support. You all have truly left me speechless.
Except, I want to tell a little parable that illustrates how appreciative I am of all your kind, generous, thoughtful...even Mr. Webster doesn't list enough adjectives to describe how terrific your response has been.  The parable which I think comes from the Talmud, but maybe not, is that every person should carry two pieces of paper in their pockets at all times. On one piece of paper you should write something like, " I am nothing but dust and ashes." And the other piece of paper should read something similar to," The world was created just for me." The parable goes on to instruct that when you're feeling arrogant and a little too self-obsessed you should pull out the first piece of paper and humble yourself a little. Conversely, when you're feeling low, you should pull out the second and remind yourself that you are special and unique and valuable.
For most of us that create, being humbled is just part of everyday life. Wondering if your newest project will work out or worrying that an idea is silly or trite or cliche keeps you humble. So, that first piece of paper is pretty well taken care of. What's hard to come by is the second piece of paper. Well, I want to thank you all for giving me that second piece of paper. 

As for the other things I'm planning on blabbing about, they are numerous and probably shouldn't go in one post, so I'll focus on the ones that are in the most immediate future.
Rachel, over at Stitched in Color, has asked me to be the judge for April's edition of Bloggers Pillow Party. Click on the links to learn all about the contest rules and prizes. What prizes? Fabric, people. What else would we want? Also, while you're there take a moment to browse around Rachel's space. You won't be sorry.

Also, I just finished this custom order:
It's a hand dyed whole cloth king-sized quilt, two whole cloth pillows and a wide striped pillow. Other than the sense of relief ans accomplishment that comes with finishing a large project like that, I have leftovers.
These leftovers are all quarter yards except for one quarter pound scrap bundle that contains a lot of the striped fabrics. They're all going in my shop this afternoon.

And last, but not least because I've got more to tell you about, but this is the last thing I'm going to mention in today's post, I'm going to be hosting a tutorial/giveaway next Wednesday, April 6.
Would you like to learn how to make this?
I'm calling it the Kaleidoscope Table Topper and it's crafted out of some amazing cottons available over at Marmalade fabrics. In fact, the lovely Tammy has even created a bundle which includes all the fabrics you'd need to make this very topper. Next Wednesday, I'll walk you through the process of making the table topper and Tammy will give away a bundle to one lucky winner. If, however, an eager beaver or two would like to get a jump start on purchasing their bundle then click here.

Totally unrelated postscript: I saw a stage production of West Side Story last Wednesday and am still humming the Live in America song. I like the island Manhattan...


  1. Hi
    I had meant to leave a comment to your previous post but did not have time. I cannot see how anyone could find fault in your work, to me it shows a degree of perfection I could only dream of achieving and a creativity and sense of colour which is simply amazing. But even if that was not the case I find it a shame that people publicly shame and criticize the work of others; they are entitled to not like it but that does not give them the right to be rude offensive and hurtful. One would think that there is enough misery in the world to cause some more....

  2. I remember reading about a teacher who got her class to write on a piece of paper a list of the names of the kids in the class and then next to each name write something nice about that person - she then collated the answers and when the kids left her class at the end of the year she gave them a sheet of paper with a whole host of nice things their classmates had written about them - some said they had kept that paper all their lives - I thought it was a wonderful idea!

  3. Your hand dyed items are gorgeous!!! the table topper reminds me of a Chinese Checkers board. But then again, I have not seen one in ages! LOL
    Either way it is very nice and it would be great to have a tute for it!

  4. So glad you are feeling better in knowing that you have so many quilters who appreciate your work and your unselfish sharing of it. As my son once told me about my "art"---it really doesn't matter what others think, how do YOU feel about it--right?!

    A little aside, it is you that first got me started dyeing my fabric and venturing out in more freemotion quilting because the spontaniety in your work makes it attainable for others.


  5. I didn't comment yesterday either but could not believe anyone could be so cruel and say things like that. Glad you are feeling better today and just know we all think you are an amazing artist!
    I gasped out loud when I saw that table topper - gorgeous. Cannot wait to make it!!

  6. Malka, I just ordered the kit from Marmalade and am hoping it makes it to my doorstep soonest. :^)
    I just have to have this one.

  7. Love that table topper - I think I might have to make 4 of them into a larger quilt, though! Pretty.

  8. I didn't leave a comment on your previous post as I was lost for words. I have not read your book, but it is on my wishlist over at Amazon. I love your quilts and your quilting. Nice and simple. I like simple. Simple often makes a bigger statement than something with lots of different fabrics and patterns.

    I can't quilt. I can piece a quilt, but I can't do the actual quilting. My hands are not steady enough. I envy anyone who can. I stood and watched someone on one of those big fancy quilting machines...boy of boy. That takes some talent.

    Thank you so much for sending me to Stitched in Colour. Wow, what a great blog. I love making pillow covers so that might be a good way for me to get back into the swing of sewing for my home again.

    Blessings to you. Remember, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

  9. I missed your previous post because I've got a brand new baby at home... but just wanted to say that as a young Jewish woman with a huge passion for sewing, quilting, fabric and color, you are a huge role model for me. I love your blog, and truly find your work inspirational.

    I have your book on dying (I even had it laminated and spiral bound at Staples), I've got the electric frying pan I fished out of my parents' garage,and once I have a little time to myself again I'm looking forward to trying my hand at some of your techniques.

    If you ever find yourself giving a workshop in the NY metro area, please let me know!

  10. I also wanted to comment on yesterdays post , I LOVE your work & am at a loss to understand how anyone could be so arrogant .
    There is a great spectrum of work out there , choose what you love & leave the rest to it's own end .
    Todays pillows make me :)

  11. So glad to see your post being full of energy again!

  12. YOUR colors make my heart SING! You have given me permission so many times to play and splash with bright undelating color. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  13. Hi! I'm new to quilting but can this table runner pattern be made into a lap or twin quilt??

  14. Hi Susan,
    You could certainly make this pattern into a table runner or larger quilt. This table topper consists of four blocks. Once you've made one, you can decide if and how you'd like to expand it.

  15. Every time I visit your blog, I leave inspired. Thank you so much for the beauty, creativity and spirit you share, Malka.

  16. I read your first book and learned a lot. Your dyework is complex and I would buy your goods before trying to dye my own. Your second book had overly simple patterns with beautiful fabrics. Yeah, I thought your second book was lousy. Now look at your 1040 tax form and see how much you earned from quilting endeavors. Do you find the money worth it? If so, toughen up. As in any business, not all comments are to raise your ego

  17. Malka you can count me in for sure I would love to make something with you. Sadly from Australia the fabric bundle will never make it in time but I am sure I will be able to find something else to use.

    If it counts for anything Cezanne and other wonderful artists were also subjected to similar criticisms in their time, that are viewed differently today. Your creativity is lovely, you have amazing use of colour, a talent in itself. I love your work and your fabrics.

  18. I love this table topper. For a year I have sewn with all wool and am ready for a small cotton project. Enter me in the drawing too. It is high time and aplenty that I win something!! Thanks for sharing with us.

  19. I love this table topper. For a year I have sewn with all wool and am ready for a small cotton project. Enter me in the drawing too. It is high time and aplenty that I win something!! Thanks for sharing with us.

  20. I enjoyed your post today...your talents are addition to being just a great person.
    Love, Love, Love, the table topper - your color/fabric selections always make me happy!

  21. Here I am again, my first post is the ?fifth one down?
    Just want you to know that my fabric from Marmalade Fabrics just now arrived so I am ready to go ! ! !
    I so want to make this table topper.
    Oh, did I say these fabrics are terrific ! ! !

  22. This is so cool. Love this poject.
