Thursday, May 5, 2011

Merriam-Webster Word of the Day: Kvelling

Kvelling: (verb). Yiddish word for the act of bursting with pride often accompanied by a wide smile and potentially a misty quality to the eyes.
I am kvelling today. I've had several experiences over the past few day where someone has taken a class from me or made something from one of my patterns and done such a great job that I had to exclaim, "Oh man, that is so fabulous."
For instance check out Cindy's interpretations of the Fish Baby Log Cabin. Yup, that's right, she made two in a marathon two-day sewing session that I'm guessing may have involved copious amounts of caffeine.
And, take a gander at some of the student blocks made at this past weekend's Improvisational Piecing workshop organized by the Austin Area Quilt Guild.
This block is crafted out her own hand dyed cottons.
Add to that, today I got an email from the lovely Jessie who just recently took my Strips and Stripes class at Stitch Lab. Check out Jessie's fabulous finished quilt...and her proud smile.
Of all the classes I teach I'm always blown away by the quilts made in the Strips and Stripes class. I had originally thought it would be the hardest class to teach, but everyone seems to get the color concepts and they all make the most amazing tops.
There's nothing like the thrill of seeing a design idea come to life and realizing that something that you've conceptualized actually makes sense as an object, but seeing other folks interpret those designs is a super close second.


  1. I think that you have every right to be kvelling! You make wonderful things and I would like to take one of your classes one day.

  2. And my free motion quilting is coming right along too! Thanks for being an awesome teacher!!

  3. You absolutely should be proud (kvell), and kleib naches (get great pleasure) from your students and other quilters inspired by you.

  4. Such naches!!
    (Another favourite word of mine!)

  5. So wish you lived in my neck of the country so I could attend! No caffeine, it was pure excitement working off your Fish Baby pattern. Keep Kvelling.

  6. Very cool! I didn't know you taught at Stitch Lab! I'm hoping to check it out this weekend, and hopefully take a class this summer.

  7. I love your quilts. I have your newest book and its great. Just found your blog and became a follower :o)
