Thursday, September 15, 2011

a stitch in color :: preview project #6.5

OK. I was wrong. The last project was actually #6. I hope I didn't confuse anyone. Today's project is not quite done as I have an appointment with a long arm machine tomorrow to do the quilting, but I'm so happy with how the top has turned out that I'm posting about it anyway.
I showed y'all sneak peeks of this large quilt last week, but now the top is entirely assembled and ready (sorta) for prime time.
This is one large quilt. It's decidedly longer than a full size bed and plenty wide. I don't know what the exact size is because I haven't measured it, but I hope that quilted and hung, it will make an impact from a distance and draw folks into the booth at Market.
As I mentioned the other day, I've done this large scale kind of block before, but the drama of these super sized tops never fails to wow me. Sometimes I think that there's probably not a traditional block around that couldn't be made more contemporary and graphic by simply radically enlarging it.
And with blocks this big, piecing is so quick and easy. Imagine a full size quilt top that can be pieced and sewn in an afternoon...sweet. Factor in a day spent long arm quilting (on a rented machine) and you've got a large, bed-sized quilt that could be made in a weekend. This could actually be a last-minute gift to give to a new couple or as a housewarming present.
As for this version...hmmm...I think I'll keep it.


  1. Malka, I love this large block quilt. I think you're right that enlarging could work well with so many traditional blocks.

  2. my brain sees graph paper and enlargements headed this way; thanks for the inspiration.

  3. I love this idea and think I will incorporate it into a large star when your fabric comes out in January

  4. Love it!

    I just got the ok to make a project with your fabric for the Moda Bake Shop. I can't wait to get the fabric and get started!!!!

  5. *&^$%#$$^%$##?!%*!!!!
    My husband was signed into google again. I am the one making the quilt, although he will be forced to oohh and aaahh regularly. :)

  6. I'm loving these previews! This is definitely one line I'll be saving my pennies for - exciting :)

  7. did I tell you how much I love your fabric line with moda? I can.not.wait for it anymore :)

    And can't wait to see the booth either!

  8. Yes I agree, the big blocks are very cool and would look fabulous on a wall. Great idea to draw people to you. Good Luck with your booth.

  9. This quilt shows off your fabric line in a dramatic way! It will definitely attract people to your booth!

  10. I will look out for you at quilt market with that awesome quilt to draw the eye.
