Monday, December 12, 2011

Don't let the pictures fool you...

... they have nothing to do with the text. This is not the first time I've posted about one topic and "illustrated" that post with unrelated pictures, so you all should be used to this. Sometimes I have a story to tell, but no pictures to accompany that story. As I hate to post without pictures, this is my solution.
Before I get into my topic, I want to caption the pictures by letting you know that they are of a new pillow featuring a new block design inspired by this photo.
OK. Here goes.
 As many of you know, I'm an avid runner. Well, yesterday, I ran what I would to date describe as the most amazing race of my running life. For the past few months I've been training for the Decker Challenge. This particular half marathon is considered one of the hardest around and that's primarily because of the hills that surround Decker Lake. I'm not going to lie to you, there have been a few times, especially in the last couple weeks, when I thought about skipping the event. I worried about whether or not I could deal with the hills and the infamous bad weather that has historically accompanied this race.
And, a couple weeks ago, it seemed that I had a ready-made excuse. I had gone to a "boot camp" style workout and woke up the following morning with a very sore left foot. I didn't run for a week after that. In fact, I didn't run again until the Tuesday before the race when for silly reasons I ended up running twice in the same day, both times about 5 miles. I then ran another 3 miles that Friday and made peace with the concept that what would be, would be.
I woke up yesterday morning and headed out to Decker Lake in my shorts and t-shirt, ready to brave the 40 degree temperature and light rain and, almost from the very start, knew this was going to be an amazing run. I don't know if it was my determination to be patient in the straightaways and not let my pace get out of control or my willingness to be present in the moment and just listen to the sound of all those feet hitting the pavement, but, what I thought would be drudgery turned into a string a magical moments. By mile 4, I knew I was on pace to set a new personal record and as each mile marker went by, I seemed to be running faster and stronger and feeling like I could conquer anything.
Those of you familiar with the course out at Decker Lake know that mile 10 features a long, steep hill which is made longer and steeper because it is so late in the race. I got to the hill at mile 10, ran up, and knew that I was about to finish the best race of my life.
I realize that my story is just about a run and that, in the scheme of things, it's not exactly monumental, but I do think there might be a bigger point here. Maybe that point is about not pre-judging a situation and bringing your whole self to an experience? Maybe it's also about how lucky we are to have a given experience and that we never really know whether the next thing we do may be truly magical?
Whatever the "point", whether I know it or not, I hope I bring these ideals along with me to the next race, the next project, the next moment.


  1. CONGRATS ! ! ! !
    Most of the race is your state of mind.
    Sounds like yesterday was your day.
    Not only physically, but your mental state was good for go.
    CONGRATS ! ! ! !

  2. Congratulations on a great race and on having the vision to really enjoy it! I loved your description of your day! May you have many more wonderful eye opening days.

  3. Great story! Congratulations on your achievement and the spirit to accomplish it! Inspiring!

  4. Wow, that sounded fantastic! Thanks for sharing - it's a great lesson.

  5. WOW! Congratulations on an amazing race! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Best times were the requirement for the bloggers I read this weekend. All of you had best times and all took the inspiration as a call to do more in some way. Overachievers all of you. Congratulations. I hope that the confidence and insight stay with you.

  7. Congratulations!! I think you really have described the whole enjoy the journey while on the way to the destination.
    Beautiful description! And inspiring commitment to a goal.

  8. well done!!! i want to start running, and maybe run a race someday. i'm just scared to start.

  9. congratulations on the great run. i really enjoyed hearing about it even though it wasn't about quilting!

  10. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story.

  11. Congrats on a great run! Thanks for sharing your story.
    Love the pictures you put with it.

  12. congrats on a pr! that's awesome and inspiring. way to go, malka!

  13. Congrats on your PR! I love it when you hit that sweet spot with a run. Congrats!

  14. i was looking for the 'like' button! great post - well done to you

  15. I LOVE your work. It inspires me so much. I'll go back and read about your run later. :o)


  16. That all sounds great! Profound and celebratory.

  17. I am a runner too and I appreciate your inspiration to the rest of us. Thanks and congratulations. Here's hoping our next project will be magical.

  18. ok - so I can't get your drunkard's path blocks off my mind..... :)

    Do you freehand cut them? Are they in your book (which is on my Amazon list)?

    I think I need to head out to my little house and play with this concept.....I just LOVE it! I'm thinking to use left over Japanese taupe fabrics....

  19. Congratulations! I remember my running days, and loved that exhilaration of completion. Bravo to you (and lovely illustrations as well!).

    Elizabeth E.

  20. Wow, fantastic effort, Congratulation! to be in the moment for any length of time is a difficult thing too do. You have clearly acieved more than just a PB in the race. Thank you for sharing and being an inspiration in more than one way!

  21. I read your blog all of the time and, in fact, did not know that you are a runner - or that you peek around Ravelry - both part of my passion. I don't sew (much) but I love looking at your lovely stuff. Congrats on the run and Happy New Year!
