Sunday, January 8, 2012

30-Day Challenge:: Scene from a Day

I had planned on featuring two pictures today. I snapped the first one this morning just before I headed out for a run around beautiful Town Lake( sidenote: nobody I know calls it Ladybird Lake. Sorry Johnson family). It was super early and dark, so I didn't notice how out of focus it was. So, no early morning scene from near the zero mile marker. Maybe another time.
This photo happened many hours later as I was teaching a free motion machine quilting class at Stitch Lab. Things were hopping today there and both classes were full and buzzing with excitement, just like I like it. One of my favorite things about teaching is meeting folks who are literally brimming over with excitement about learning what it is you plan to teach. It really makes you appreciate the skill and tune into what a privilege it is to pass it on to someone else. Who knew that learning how to machine apply stitches to a surface could make people so happy and stir their imaginations? There's frankly no way to walk away from teaching there without feeling recharged. 


  1. i love that you posted this today; your words about teaching are so encouraging!

    i'm a public school teacher in my day job and it's really easy to get caught up in the "work" part of the job and consequently lose the beauty of teaching. but you're so right: it's a wonderful rush to realize you've given someone tools to do something really important to them.

  2. This is a great picture! Excitement can be contagious. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  3. I miss my old school with our come together in the afternoon two or three times a week after school to work on silkpainting, stitching and so on. Loved it.

  4. It sounds like a wonderful day, and I can tell that teaching gives you a charge. Just as Jennifer said, sometimes you have to stop and remember what it's all about. The photo is great too; the use of the mirror perfect. Thanks for sharing.
