Wednesday, January 18, 2012

30-Day Challenge:: Selling Like Hot Cakes

On Monday I got an email from Leslie Bonnell, owner extraordinaire of Stitch Lab, letting me know that some of my newly arrived prints were already sold out. I assumed she was referring to the stock at her store and replied that I was very happy to hear that. A couple of hours later she sent a second email to clarify the first. The prints weren't sold out at Stitch Lab; they're sold out nationally. That's all over the freaking country, people!
Tonight, as I was teaching a class, Leslie looked up the status of my fabric line online. Then she called me over. I was blown away by how many of the prints and even a few solids are listed as out-of-stock. I don't remember what the Moda policy is on re-prints or if they hold some stock back. All I know is the fabric hasn't been in the stores for more than a week and it's going pretty darn fast.


  1. Just ordered all the fat quarters!!! Love love love it!!

  2. Congratulations! That's a huge accomplishment!

  3. Congratulations and Blessings to you! You do design beautiful things!!!

  4. I paid extra to get my charm squares early , I did get 5 sets and thats all she had for sale on an online shop..I knew this would happen because we need something fresh and different , poeple are tired of the same old C----p...

  5. Congrats Malka! I got my fat quarters last week! I love looking at them, haven't cut them yet! By the way, I love your new hair style! Erin

  6. Congrats that is a great thing to sell out so fast. They look wonderful so its no surprise.

  7. Malka, I so enjoyed reading your blog. Years ago (over 20) I once took a hand quilting class. Do yo have any suggestion on the best way to start exploring the world of quilting? I mainly knit at the present time. Thanks!

  8. This is good news! I hope they reprint, your fabrics have not reached Switzerland yet, and I want a piece!

  9. Yay Congratulations!! I hope I can get my hands on some.

  10. Congratulations! My understanding is that Moda does not reprint - I'd better get that binding fabric I need fast :)

  11. Congratulations! Nice way to start the new year. Keep up the good work.

  12. That's just ducky! I haven't even found any to buy yet!

  13. Congratulations! It is such a fun collection.

  14. That's because this fabric ROCKS!! It's so fun and bright and awesome! I can't wait to get some - I ordered early (fingers crossed)!

  15. I ordered my fat quarter bundle as soon as I saw it in an online shop. Certainly glad I did. I have been waiting months for the release - ever since I saw it on your blog.

  16. Congratulations! It must feel amazing. I better head off and order some now before I can't get any! :)

  17. How fab is that!!! I've got the charm pack and have been looking around for the bolts ~

  18. It is because it is such pretty fabric. The future looks bright!

  19. This sounds like s.u.c.c.e.s.s! It does my heart good to see other normal (in a manner of speaking) quilters fulfill their dreams. I've been looking for a stitch in colour all over my region and haven't seen it yet. I wonder if this rapid selling out is the reason? All the best....and here's hoping for reprints! Say...are you gonna keep designing fabric? When can we expect the next line?

  20. IM SO PROUD OF YOU!! I don't even know you and it makes me happy to hear this for you! Congrats and thanks for such an inspiring story. You start dying clothes for your beautiful daughter and look where you are now! So impressive!

  21. You have broken my heart because my stores don't have it! ;-( I always try to support my local quilt shops as the best one had to close although I do order online when needed, but this time I should have branched out. My only consolation is that if it sold that quickly, it will surely be reprinted.


  22. WHERE can I buy your fab fabric online????

  23. Wow! That is such fabulous news for you - and so sad for those of us whose stores didn't order any! Luckily, we have the internet. :)

    Really, so happy for your success and for the love being shown your fabric!

  24. Is there a way to find out what stores carry your fabric? and the colors of solids? I have the prints in jelly rolls, what I need now are the solids.
    and congratulations to you, you do such great design.

  25. No big surprise here....your fabric is wonderful!!

  26. I knew your fabrics were going to be a smash hit and I love, love love them, so I ordered at least of yard of each as a preorder. Boy, do I feel happy now! They are in the mail to me and I used gift cards to pay for most of it, so I won't have to eat beans for 6 months!

  27. I'm so glad you posted this. I knew my local quilt shop had ordered your line (at my insistence) so I called my friend today who works there and discovered that it came in yesterday afternoon. Needless to say, I was there when the shop opened this morning and dropped a bundle of $$ on it. Now to play......

  28. Wow, congrats, M! But this is not a surprise. Your designs and colors are lovely.

  29. We just put ours out today. We love it so much. I have been patiently waiting to display your pillow and now we have...

  30. Congrats Malka! I am seeing all kinds of projects made out of your fabric. And they are all super cute.

  31. I feel like I am late to the dance. Just saw this week that you had a line, now I cannot remember where! Hoping we can still snag some! Congrats!!

  32. Wow, that's great! But no surprise, really - your line is just wonderful. Thank you for the alert, I just placed my order so now it's just a matter of waiting impatiently for the postman...

  33. Awesome!!! You deserve every ion of success!

  34. Inspirational! I hope some of it makes it's way over here!

  35. Malka, your new line is just gorgeous! I was warned by my online store to get moving if I wanted some! Hope Moda does a reprint as this one will sell out before anyone realizes it is there!

  36. amazing stuff
    come along... and take a look at my art:)

  37. It was fun finding your blog, having just ordered 1/2 yard of every fabric in your A Stitch in Color line except the one with the complicated pattern all over it that looked like a quilt that could be made from all the fabrics. It is a fabulous bunch of fabrics and doesn't even go with the colors in my house. Don't's going to be a "Happy Quilt" to take naps and it doesn't have to match ANYTHING. Next to get.....the book that seems to go with it. So excited! My brother lives in your fair city of Austin and has since 1966-67 and I's the best city in Texas. It offers a lot. Thanks!!!

  38. The ladies at Mill Ends in PDX guarded it like it was gold. It had it's own little spot behind the counter, like it was reserved for someone. When I asked for a chunk, they asked me if I was "sure" I wanted some.
